“Neuroplasticity refers to the physiological changes in the brain that happen as the result of our interactions with our environment. From the time the brain begins to develop in utero until the day we die, the connections among the cells in our brains reorganise in response to our changing needs. This dynamic process allows us to learn from and adapt to different experiences”
— Celeste Campbell
Brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity, refers to the brain’s ability to change continuously throughout life. Unlike a fixed and unchanging structure, the brain is dynamic, constantly reconfiguring itself in response to new experiences, learning, and environmental stimuli. As we see, hear, touch, or think, our neural connections are subtly reshaped every moment. This means that the brain is never precisely the same from one moment to the next—it is in a perpetual state of adaptation.
Some learning happens during specific windows of time called critical or sensitive periods when the brain is ready to absorb certain information. Other learning, however, can happen at any stage of life, thanks to the brain's flexibility.
Two key concepts capture this flexibility: Experience expectant plasticity and experience-dependent plasticity.
This continuous plasticity is especially crucial during early development. Unlike many other species, humans are born with an underdeveloped brain, far from its full functional capacity. The brain at birth is not yet a complete organ but rather a foundation for future development, shaped by experience and interaction with the environment. The extent of this immaturity is so pronounced that some researchers argue that humans are, in essence, born prematurely, requiring long-term postnatal brain development to reach functional maturity.
This idea leads to an important question: why is the human brain so incomplete at birth? Many theories attempt to explain why natural selection favoured early birth in humans, even at the cost of initial neurological immaturity. Understanding this developmental trajectory provides insight into how plasticity drives cognitive and motor growth as the brain refines its structure through experience-dependent adaptation in the early years of life.
Human babies have underdeveloped brains, less than 30% of their adult size. In this respect, they are not so different from kangaroos, as both species have been naturally selected to deliver their young prematurely. Consequently, the human brain is far from a complete organ at birth.
Some estimates suggest that a human foetus would require a gestation period of eighteen to twenty-one months—rather than the usual nine months—to be born at a neurological and cognitive developmental stage comparable to say that of a chimpanzee neonate. Instead, humans are born with an immature brain that continues to develop after birth, requiring at least twelve years for broad functional growth and twenty to twenty-five years to mature fully.
For example, although basic circuits concerning vision are in place at birth, the circuitry is rudimentary, so a baby's vision is pretty fuzzy—they can make out light, shapes, and movement. They can see only about eight to fifteen inches away. A baby's vision will develop further through the early visual experiences gained during specific periods, e.g., what a baby visualises during the weeks after birth.
Different circuits are wired up at various times during infancy—smiling occurs at about six weeks, walking at twelve months, and object permanence at around nine months.
. This "premature" state is a distinctive feature of the human species and raises the question: why? Several theories attempt to explain why humans are born at such an early stage of neurological development.
One explanation for this premature state lies in the physical demands of bipedalism. Walking upright required significant evolutionary changes to the human pelvis, narrowing the birth canal. At the same time, humans evolved larger brains to support advanced cognitive abilities. These two adaptations created a trade-off: babies needed to be born earlier in their development while their brains were still small enough to pass through the narrower pelvis.
Had natural selection not favoured earlier births, childbirth would likely have been unsafe or even fatal for both mother and baby. This compromise—giving birth earlier—meant that the baby’s brain would have to complete much of its development postnatally.
While bipedalism solved the physical constraints of childbirth, it left human babies far more dependent on caregivers than other species. For example, a newborn horse is able to walk within hours of birth, while a human baby remains completely helpless for months.
A second theory suggests that the metabolic demands of a growing human foetus eventually exceed the mother’s ability to sustain both the baby’s energy needs and her own. By the later stages of pregnancy, the baby’s nutritional requirements can surpass what the mother can physically provide, particularly in the hostile ancestral environments where humans evolved.
Natural selection may have favoured earlier births to avoid starvation. Once born, the baby could continue receiving nutrients through breastfeeding, while the mother’s body would no longer have to sustain herself and the growing foetus. This strategy ensured the survival of both mother and child in resource-scarce environments.
ENVIRONMENT OF EVOLUTIONARY ADAPTIVENESS (EEA): The ancestral environment that Homo sapiens evolved in approximately 200,000 years ago was primarily shaped by the challenges and conditions of hunter-gatherer lifestyles in Africa, where our species originated. This environment was part of the broader Environment of Evolutionary Adaptiveness (EEA).
The last explanation is that humans rely on developmental plasticity to wire their brains after birth. Instead of being born with a hardwired brain, humans have a brain designed to adapt flexibly to their specific environments. This adaptability ensures humans can learn the behaviours, languages, and skills necessary for survival in diverse settings.
The human nervous system escaped the restrictions of its genome, allowing the brain to respond dynamically to environmental and cultural inputs. This is why humans can thrive in environments as varied as the Arctic, with its meat-based diets, or the desert, which has predominantly vegetarian diets. In contrast, animals like rhinos are born with fixed brains suited only to their specific habitats. A rhino cannot adapt to living in a cold climate or learning new behaviours outside its evolutionary programming. Humans, however, can adapt to any environment, language, or way of life.
Thus, rather than being born with a brain pre-programmed for every possible adaptation—something that would require a significantly more extended gestation period and result in a more challenging birth—humans rely on environmental inputs postnatally to "complete the wiring." This strategy conserves energy and resources, allowing the brain to develop with greater flexibility while reducing the reliance on extensive genetic programming
This flexibility is one of the hallmarks of human intelligence, enabling cultural evolution and survival in various environments.
Whatever the reason for the human brain's immaturity at birth, the outcome is undeniable: human infants are born with brains that are still in an early stage of development. This neurological immaturity ensures a high degree of plasticity, allowing the brain to adapt flexibly to environmental inputs and shape itself in response to the specific demands of its surroundings.
From here, the underdeveloped brain embarks on a remarkable journey of postnatal development, during which environmental experiences shape its wiring—a process known as experience-expectant plasticity.
Because the human brain is unfinished at birth, it relies on specific sensory and social experiences to complete its development. These early environmental inputs must occur within critical time windows, or the affected brain functions may not fully mature. This dependence on expected input leads to experience-expectant plasticity, where the brain’s structure is shaped by universal early experiences such as visual stimulation, social interaction, and exposure to language.
Thus, the premature birth of human infants is directly linked to experience-expectant plasticity, as the brain depends on postnatal experiences to reach its full potential. This process ensures that neural pathways develop in response to predictable stimuli, reinforcing frequently used connections while eliminating weaker ones.
Now, we turn to the mechanisms of experience-expectant plasticity, how it shapes perception, cognition, and behaviour, and what happens when these expected experiences are absent.
Experience-expectant plasticity, or developmental plasticity, describes the brain’s ability to develop and organise itself based on specific environmental inputs during critical or sensitive early life periods. It is termed "expectant" because the brain is biologically primed to anticipate specific universal experiences—such as seeing a face, hearing language, or being exposed to light—essential for proper wiring and typical development.
This type of plasticity ensures that the brain forms the necessary neural pathways to support key functions, such as sensory processing and motor skills, based on shared experiences across all human environments. For example:
Language Development: Babies are born ready to distinguish sounds from any language. However, without exposure to a specific language during early years, their ability to learn and use it diminishes significantly over time.
Vision: If an infant's vision is impaired (e.g., due to cataracts) and not corrected during a sensitive period, the brain's ability to process visual input can be permanently affected.
The human brain’s immaturity at birth allows for significant developmental flexibility. By the time a baby is born, most of the neurons that will make up the brain—approximately 100 billion—are already formed during gestation. However, these neurons are largely unconnected, with only rudimentary networks in place. For instance, the synaptic connections between neurons are either fragile or yet to develop, reflecting the brain's readiness to respond to postnatal environmental inputs.
Immediately after birth, the brain enters a period of exuberant synaptogenesis, during which trillions of synaptic connections rapidly form. This dynamic process involves:
DRAMATIC GROWTH OF DENDRITES AND AXONS : Dendrites, the branch-like structures that receive signals, and axons, which transmit signals, undergo significant expansion to establish neural networks.
FORMATION OF NEURON CONECTIONS Around 700 new synapses are created every second in this stage, enabling the brain to process sensory inputs and adapt to its environment effectively.
This extraordinary burst of connectivity is foundational for the infant's ability to learn and interact with the world, showcasing the brain's remarkable plasticity during this critical developmental window.
During early childhood, the brain undergoes rapid growth, creating an overabundance of neural connections (synapses). These connections form a flexible network that can be shaped and refined based on experiences. If the expected inputs occur, the brain strengthens the relevant synapses while pruning away unused ones—a process called synaptic pruning. This optimisation enables the brain to become highly specialised and efficient in key areas.
The developing brain during this time is susceptible to a broad range of experiences, enabling it to adapt dynamically. This sensitivity allows environmental factors to shape neural connections, strengthen pathways, and guide the brain’s development in ways that support essential functions such as sensory processing, language acquisition, and social interactions. For example, finches need to hear adult songs before sexual maturation to learn to sing at a species-appropriate level of intricacy. Humans need to experience exposure to language, visual stimuli, and social interactions—to influence and strengthen neural pathways, shaping the child’s cognitive, emotional, and behavioural development during critical stages of their cortex’s development. If they do not receive the correct stimuli, then this area may be pruned away after the first six months of life.
The overproduction of synaptic connections serves as a developmental safeguard, ensuring that the brain has the capacity to respond to any environment it encounters. For example:
A child exposed to multiple languages during this period will develop stronger and more diverse neural pathways for speech and auditory processing.
Early exploration of the physical environment helps reinforce motor coordination, spatial awareness, and problem-solving skills.
This plasticity ensures the brain remains adaptable during childhood, providing a robust foundation for development. By forming and strengthening neural connections based on experiences, the brain can support acquiring foundational skills such as language, movement, and social interaction. Additionally, it enables the brain to compensate for challenges, such as sensory impairments, by reallocating functions to other areas when needed.
Beyond childhood, the adaptability of these neural pathways influences lifelong learning and behavioural changes. The networks formed early on allow individuals to:
Adjust to new environments by acquiring new skills, navigating unfamiliar settings, or adapting to routine changes.
Solve problems creatively and think flexibly, using established neural circuits to approach challenges strategically.
Regulate emotions and develop social skills, thanks to early experiences that shape empathy, resilience, and interpersonal understanding.
Continue learning throughout life, as the brain’s foundational pathways remain active, supporting the integration of new knowledge and experiences.
Experience-expectant plasticity depends on universal experiences—stimuli that nearly all individuals encounter as part of typical human development. These experiences activate and shape the brain's pre-existing potential.
Light for Vision: Exposure to light is essential for the brain to develop visual pathways.
Speech for Language: Hearing spoken language is necessary to establish circuits for language comprehension and production.
Physical Interaction for Motor Skills: Activities like crawling and walking refine the brain’s coordination and balance.
Why Universal Experiences Matter
These experiences act as "environmental triggers" that complete the brain's wiring for essential functions. If these triggers are absent, development can be delayed or permanently impaired.
Experience-expectant plasticity, or developmental plasticity, involves several key processes that explain how the brain uses universal experiences to shape its development during critical periods. These processes include critical periods, sensitive periods, neuron morphology, synaptic pruning, epigenetics, reliance on universal experiences, and the brain's neurological efficiency.
CRITICAL PERIODS: Very narrow, specific timeframes (e.g., first few months of life for visual or auditory input). Missing these windows typically leads to irreversible deficits.
SENSITIVE PERIODS: Broader windows of heightened plasticity (e.g., social bonding in the first 2 years). Development is still possible outside these periods but often requires more effort and results in less optimal outcomes.
Experience-expectant plasticity always occurs during early postnatal development, within a critical period. The critical period is the notion of a window of opportunity that opens in early childhood and then closes permanently. If the necessary stimuli are absent during this time, the brain’s capacity to develop those functions can be permanently impaired. For example, a child raised hearing Korean will be exposed to different speech sounds than one raised in an English-speaking environment. Early in life, infants can discriminate the speech sounds of all languages. However, over the first year, the auditory system begins to specialise, making the infant expert at discriminating sounds within their native language environment while losing the ability to distinguish sounds not experienced.
Example: Visual Development
Exposure to light and visual patterns is crucial during infancy for the development of the visual cortex. Research has shown that if an infant's visual input is obstructed (e.g., by cataracts) and not corrected during the first few months of life, the brain's visual pathways fail to develop correctly, leading to irreversible deficits.Why Critical Periods Matter
These windows are biologically programmed, offering heightened plasticity during which the brain can efficiently build specific neural pathways. Once the critical period closes, the brain’s capacity for developing these pathways diminishes, making it much harder—or even impossible—to acquire the same skills.
Critical and sensitive windows are essential to understanding brain development, particularly in experience-expectant plasticity. While both involve periods of heightened plasticity during which environmental input shapes neural development, there are key differences in their characteristics, duration, and impact.
Critical windows refer to narrow, specific timeframes during which the brain requires certain stimuli to develop normal functions. If these stimuli are absent, the related neural circuits fail to develop or are permanently impaired. Critical windows are typically early in life and involve foundational processes crucial for survival and basic functioning, such as sensory processing or attachment formation. For example, exposure to faces during the first six months is necessary for typical face-recognition abilities.
Critical windows are characterised by fixed durations. Once the window closes, development cannot proceed normally, and any missed input often results in irreversible deficits. These windows reflect the brain’s need to biologically hardwire specific capabilities, such as differentiating phonemes or establishing secure attachments.
Sensitive windows, in contrast, are longer and more flexible periods of heightened neural plasticity. While exposure to the appropriate environmental inputs during this period significantly enhances development, missing these inputs does not result in permanent deficits. Instead, development during sensitive windows may occur less efficiently or require more significant effort to catch up later. Sensitive windows allow for refinement and specialisation of skills already established during earlier stages, such as mastering language grammar and syntax or refining social skills.
Sensitive windows are characterised by gradual transitions. Development continues beyond these windows but at a slower pace or with reduced plasticity. For instance, while language learning is most efficient in early childhood, it remains possible throughout life, although achieving native-level proficiency becomes increasingly difficult with age.
Critical windows govern foundational processes, such as the wiring of sensory systems (e.g., visual and auditory processing) or attachment formation. These processes are universal and species-typical, such as the ability to perceive faces or process speech sounds. For example, the critical window for phoneme discrimination is approximately 0–12 months, after which the brain prunes unused connections, resulting in a reduced ability to perceive non-native sounds.
Sensitive windows govern refinement and flexibility, such as developing higher-order skills like grammar, emotional regulation, or executive functions. For instance, language acquisition relies on sensitive windows for mastering grammar and syntax, which extend from three to five years, and social bonding refines during the first two years of life. Missing input during sensitive windows may lead to suboptimal function but is often reversible with targeted interventions.
The critical distinction lies in the impact of deprivation. In critical windows, deprivation results in permanent deficits, such as impaired vision following early sensory deprivation. In sensitive windows, while deprivation may lead to less efficient development, the brain retains the capacity for adaptation and recovery, albeit less effectively.
Plasticity in critical windows is high but limited to the defined period, ensuring that foundational neural circuits are rapidly organised based on universal stimuli. In contrast, plasticity during sensitive windows remains high but diminishes gradually, allowing for ongoing adaptation to environmental inputs. For instance, while early attachment formation is critical within the first six months, social and emotional regulation continues to refine throughout the first two years, with room for recovery in later childhood through interventions.
By understanding these distinctions, educators, clinicians, and policymakers can prioritise early interventions for critical processes while recognising the potential for ongoing support and remediation during sensitive periods. This knowledge is vital for optimising developmental outcomes and addressing deficits effectively.
Sensory and motor areas, responsible for vision, hearing, and movement, undergo significant pruning starting as early as six months of age, with refinement continuing into early childhood (ages 2–3). Early sensory experiences are essential for the development of accurate visual, auditory, and motor processing.
Critical Window for Vision: 0–6 months. This period is necessary for face recognition and basic visual circuitry development. Studies on congenital cataracts (Maurer et al., 2005) show that deprivation of visual input during this time results in irreversible deficits in face and motion recognition.
Sensitive Window for Vision: 6 months–3 years. This period allows for further refinement of visual processing, including pattern and shape recognition.
Critical Window for Hearing: 0–2 months. Exposure to essential auditory input, such as sound direction, ensures proper auditory cortex wiring.
Sensitive Window for Hearing: 2–12 months. This phase is critical for phoneme discrimination, with refinement continuing into early childhood. Lack of auditory input during this time can lead to persistent difficulties in speech perception.
Language acquisition follows a critical window during which infants specialise in processing the sounds of their native language. This period coincides with the brain’s pruning of synaptic connections in the auditory cortex.
Critical Window for Phoneme Discrimination: 8–10 months. Infants exposed to various speech sounds during this time retain the ability to distinguish them while unused connections are pruned. Studies by Kuhl (1991) demonstrate that infants lose the ability to perceive non-native sounds after this window closes.
Sensitive Window for Grammar and Syntax: 10 months–5 years. Newport (1990) found that children exposed to language early in life develop superior grammar and syntax compared to those who begin learning later.
No Specific Window: Adults can still learn new languages, but fluency and pronunciation are often limited without early exposure.
Number sense refers to the brain’s ability to perceive and understand quantities and numerical relationships.
Critical Window: None. Number sense is not bound to a specific critical period.
Sensitive Window: 6 months–2 years. Early exposure to counting games and numerical concepts refines quantitative skills. Missing these inputs can result in difficulties with arithmetic and logical reasoning.
No Specific Window: Numerical skills can improve with education at any age.
Time sense involves perceiving durations, sequences, and temporal relationships.
Critical Window: None.
Sensitive Window: 6 months–2 years. Early exposure to routines and cause-and-effect sequences aids time perception.
No Specific Window: Time management and sequencing skills can be improved later in life but require explicit training.
The first schema refers to the brain’s ability to categorise information into meaningful groups, forming the basis for cognitive organisation.
Critical Window: None.
Sensitive Window: 6 months–2 years. Infants exposed to varied stimuli, such as faces, objects, and language, develop robust categorisation abilities.
No Specific Window: Categorisation skills continue to improve throughout life, though foundational schemas formed in infancy remain influential.
The prefrontal cortex, responsible for reasoning, decision-making, and emotional regulation, undergoes pruning later in development.
Critical Window: None.
Sensitive Window: Childhood to late adolescence (16–20 years). Engaging in problem-solving, planning, and emotional challenges supports development during this period.
No Specific Window: Executive functions can improve with cognitive training in adulthood but are less flexible.
Musical training occurs during a sensitive window in early childhood when the brain is most receptive to auditory and motor coordination.
Critical Window: None.
Sensitive Window: Before age 7. Neural plasticity during this period enhances motor skills, auditory discrimination, and coordination. Schlaug et al. (2005) found structural brain changes in children trained in music.
No Specific Window: Musical appreciation and performance skills can be developed later but are harder to master.
Early interactions with caregivers are crucial for social and emotional regulation.
Critical Window for Attachment Formation: 0–6 months. Rutter’s studies on Romanian orphans show that early deprivation during this time can lead to disinhibited attachment and long-term social difficulties.
Sensitive Window for Emotional Regulation: 6 months–2 years. Nurturing relationships during this time foster resilience and emotional literacy.
No Specific Window: Therapy can improve emotional regulation later in life, but early deficits often persist.
Auditory input during early life is critical for language development and vocal learning.
Critical Window: 0–12 months. Rauschecker and Marler (1987) found that tutor-song exposure during this period in birds is essential for normal vocalisations, with parallels in human auditory systems.
Sensitive Window: 1–5 years. Auditory input continues to refine language and sound processing.
No Specific Window: Hearing rehabilitation (e.g., cochlear implants) can aid auditory processing later but is less effective
In the early stages of development, the brain overproduces neurons and synaptic connections, preparing for the environmental input it expects. The structure of neurons (neuronal morphology) changes due to these expected experiences.
During early childhood, the brain forms an overabundance of synapses, providing the flexibility to wire itself for various potential experiences. However, the brain does not inherently know what it needs to learn—it starts without schemas or predetermined knowledge. Instead, it wires everything, creating connections for all potential inputs (e.g., the brain wires up indiscriminately, preparing for any input it might encounter).
For example, a neonatal baby can distinguish all speech sounds across all human languages. This universal capability reflects the etic perspective—a readiness to process any linguistic input, regardless of the language environment the infant is born into. This is an example of experience-expectant plasticity, where the brain is biologically prepared to respond to a broad range of stimuli but relies on specific experiences to fine-tune its development.
As the critical window for language development progresses, infants gradually lose the ability to distinguish sounds not part of the language they are regularly exposed to. This is because the brain prunes synaptic connections related to unused sounds, allowing it to specialise in the sounds of the infant’s native language. For instance, by the end of the first year, infants raised in East Asian language environments may no longer differentiate between the English /r/ and /l/ sounds because these distinctions are absent in their language. Similarly, English speakers might struggle to pronounce or hear the French guttural "R," or Germans might struggle with the English /w/ sound.
This specialisation helps the brain streamline language processing, but it comes at the cost of losing the flexibility to perceive or produce sounds not present in the linguistic environment. This shift illustrates how the brain transitions from an etic capacity (universal readiness) to an emic capacity (language-specific specialisation) as the critical window for phonetic learning closes.
The term morphology refers to studying things' structure, shape, and form. In the context of neuronal morphology, it specifically describes the structural features of neurons, including:
The shape and size of the cell body (soma).
The number, length, and complexity of dendrites (branches that receive input from other neurons).
The structure of axons, which transmit signals to other neurons.
The formation and density of synapses, where communication occurs between neurons.
Neuronal morphology is a broader concept than pruning. While pruning is one aspect of how morphology can change, morphology encompasses all structural changes in neurons—growth, branching, formation of new connections, and elimination of old ones.
Synaptic pruning is one process that falls under the broader umbrella of neuronal morphology changes. Pruning refers explicitly to the elimination of synapses (connections between neurons) that are unused or inefficient, which helps the brain optimise its structure for the demands of its environment.
In contrast, neuronal morphology also includes:
Dendritic Growth: The extension and branching of dendrites to increase the potential for forming new connections. For example, dendrites might grow to create connections when a child learns to play an instrument.
Synaptogenesis: Creating new synapses, especially during early development when the brain overproduces connections in preparation for experience.
Axonal Growth and Retraction: The elongation of axons to reach new targets or their shortening if a connection is no longer needed.
Neuronal Morphology: Encompasses all structural changes in neurons, including growth, branching, synapse formation, and pruning.
Pruning: A specific process within neuronal morphology that focuses on removing unused or redundant synapses to streamline neural networks.
When a baby is exposed to light, neuronal morphology involves both dendritic growth and the formation of new synapses in the visual cortex. Later, pruning removes connections not strengthened by repeated use, making the visual system more efficient.
Understanding neuronal morphology as a broad concept allows researchers to study both the positive and negative changes in brain structure:
POSITIVE CHANGES: Dendrite growth, synaptogenesis, and enhanced connectivity in response to enriching experiences (e.g., learning a skill, social interaction).
NEGATIVE CHANGES: Pruning due to neglect or deprivation or excessive pruning associated with neurodevelopmental disorders like schizophrenia or autism.
By distinguishing morphology from pruning, it’s easier to see how the brain’s structure adapts both by building connections (growth and synaptogenesis) and by refining them (pruning)
Synapses frequently activated through experience and repetition are strengthened, becoming permanent. Connections that are rarely or never activated are pruned away in synaptic pruning, which optimises the brain’s efficiency by eliminating redundant or unused neural pathways. This refinement occurs progressively over development and is influenced by both genetic programming and environmental experiences. This process is summarised as "use it or lose it."
Pruning typically begins in areas of the brain responsible for sensory and motor functions, such as vision and hearing, during infancy and early childhood. It then extends to higher-order regions, such as the prefrontal cortex, which governs reasoning, decision-making, and emotional regulation, continuing into late adolescence. By streamlining connections, synaptic pruning ensures that the brain’s resources are focused on circuits most relevant to the individual’s environment and experiences, enabling more precise and efficient neural functioning.
By 18, experiences that are not revisited are lost, and synaptic connections have been reduced to around 500 trillion, like an 8-month-old infant. This pruning ensures that only the most substantial and essential connections remain, supporting the brain’s efficiency and adaptability.
Imagine a child who has a Spanish au pair during their toddler years. The child frequently hears and begins to understand Spanish, forming neural pathways to process the language. These pathways strengthen with each interaction.
However, when the au pair leaves, the child no longer hears Spanish. Without continued exposure, the brain no longer activates the neural circuits associated with the Spanish language. Over time, these unused synapses are pruned away. By the time the child reaches adolescence, their ability to process and understand Spanish diminishes significantly. This is why adults often find it harder to relearn languages they were exposed to briefly as children—those connections no longer exist
Epigenetic mechanisms regulate which genes are turned on or off, shaping how the brain adapts to environmental inputs. During experience-expectant plasticity, certain experiences trigger these mechanisms to activate or silence genes critical for development.
DNA Methylation and Vision:
Exposure to light during infancy may activate genes responsible for forming connections in the visual cortex. If light is absent, DNA methylation may silence these genes, preventing proper development of visual pathways. This is why children born with congenital blindness often have smaller visual cortices.
Histone Modification and Sound Processing:
When babies hear speech sounds, histone modifications can make genes involved in auditory processing more accessible, allowing the brain to fine-tune its ability to process language. Without sound exposure, these genes may remain inactive, impairing the brain's ability to specialise in language.
Tactile Stimulation and Emotional Development:
Early physical touch, such as cuddling or stroking, influences epigenetic changes in genes involved in stress regulation. This helps the brain develop emotional resilience. If touch is absent during the critical period, these epigenetic modifications may not occur, increasing the risk of emotional and behavioural difficulties..
In experience-expectant plasticity, neuronal morphology provides the physical framework for brain development, while epigenetic mechanisms act as the "instruction manual," determining which genes are active or inactive based on environmental input. Together, they ensure that the brain develops in response to universal experiences. However, if these experiences are absent during critical periods, the brain may fail to wire properly, leading to long-lasting deficits in functions such as vision, language, or emotional regulation
Experiments support the critical window and pruning; for example, rearing animals in deprived environments thwarts development and may lead to the permanent loss of function. Monkeys, cats, or rats raised in light but without patterned visual stimulation show poor visual behaviour guidance, even after prolonged recovery periods with patterned visual input. The reduced vision is associated with reduced dendritic branching.
Wiesel and Hubel (1965) conducted a study on visual deprivation in cats, in which one eye of newborn kittens was fixed shut for three months. After this period, the researchers studied the connections between the eyes (‘open’ and ‘shut’) and the brain. They found severe deterioration of neuronal connections in the brain's visual areas due to the lack of stimulation of the closed eye. In effect, the brain wired itself to receive information only from the open eye and remained blind in the other eye (Blakemore & Frith, 2000). When adult cats were subjected to a similar period of visual deprivation in one eye, there was no deterioration in neuronal connections, as they had already wired both eyes for vision when they were kittens. The conclusion was that the visual system requires sensory input during a critical development period (usually the first months of life) to ‘wire itself up’ to perceive its environment.
Comparing cats with humans is not always helpful, as their visual systems have developed in response to selective pressures. For instance, cats cannot recognise faces or see in colour but have better peripheral vision than humans. However, cases of blind people who regain sight in adulthood show that they are permanently face-blind
Cases of blind individuals who regain sight in adulthood often demonstrate significant impairments in face recognition, a condition known as prosopagnosia or face blindness. For example, Mike May, who regained sight after 40 years of blindness, could perceive colours and motion but struggled with more complex visual processing, such as recognising faces (Fine & May 2015). This highlights the critical role of early visual experiences in developing specific cognitive functions.
Similarly, studies on individuals with early visual deprivation, such as those born with congenital cataracts, reveal long-term impairments in face processing abilities. Even after surgical correction, these individuals often struggle to distinguish between male and female faces or to interpret emotions from facial expressions. These findings suggest that early visual input is crucial for the normal development of face recognition skills (de Heering & Maurer, 2014).
Overall, these findings underscore the importance of early sensory experiences in developing cognitive functions. When the necessary stimuli are absent during critical periods of brain development, some abilities may not fully develop, even if the deprivation is later reversed.
Fine, I., & May, M. (2015). "Man with restored sight provides new insight into how vision develops." University of Washington News. Retrieved from
Ostrovsky, Y., Andalman, A., & Sinha, P. (2006). "Vision following extended congenital blindness." Psychological Science, 17(12), 1009–1015.
Maurer, D., Lewis, T. L., Mondloch, C. J. (2005). "Missing sights: Consequences for visual cognitive development." Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9(3), 144–151.
McKyton, A., Ben-Zion, I., Doron, R., & Zohary, E. (2015). "The limits of shape recognition following late emergence from blindness." Current Biology, 25(18), 2373–2378.
de Heering, A., & Maurer, D. (2014). "Impaired face processing following early visual deprivation." Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 32(2), 247–257. Retrieved from
Merzenich and colleagues explored the auditory system's plasticity by exposing young and adult monkeys to altered auditory input. They found that young monkeys exhibited significant neural reorganisation in response to changes, while adults showed less plasticity. This demonstrated that auditory critical periods are similar to visual ones. Critical periods extend beyond vision and apply to other sensory systems, indicating widespread importance in brain development.
Blakemore and Cooper raised kittens in a controlled environment with vertical or horizontal stripes. Kittens exposed only to vertical stripes could not perceive horizontal orientations and vice versa. This effect persisted despite later exposure to everyday visual environments. The study highlighted the specificity of neural plasticity during critical periods, demonstrating how specialised input shapes sensory systems.
In this classic experiment, kittens were reared in the dark and then exposed to light in two conditions: one group moved freely, and the other moved passively in a gondola. Kittens allowed active movement and developed regular visual-motor coordination, whereas the passively moved group showed significant deficits. Active interaction with the environment during critical periods is essential for creating functional sensory-motor systems.
Young birds exposed to tutor songs during a critical period were compared to those isolated from auditory input. Birds were exposed to the songs learned and replicated, while isolated birds showed abnormal song development. Vocal learning depends on auditory input during specific developmental windows, providing parallels to human language acquisition.
Researchers altered the auditory experience of barn owls by fitting them with prisms that displaced their visual field. Young owls adapted by remapping their auditory space to match the displaced visual input, but adults could not. The ability to adjust depended on age. Critical sensory integration periods highlight early experience's importance in shaping multi-sensory systems.
Blakemore, C., & Cooper, G. F. (1970). "Development of the brain depends on the visual environment." Nature, 228(5270), 477–478.
Blakemore, C., & Frith, U. (2000). The Learning Brain: Lessons for Education. Blackwell Publishing.
Held, R., & Hein, A. (1963). "Movement-produced stimulation in the development of visually guided behaviour." Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 56(5), 872–876.
Hubel, D. H., & Wiesel, T. N. (1962). "Receptive fields, binocular interaction and functional architecture in the cat's visual cortex." Journal of Physiology, 160(1), 106–154.
Hubel, D. H., & Wiesel, T. N. (1965). "Binocular interaction in striate cortex of kittens reared with artificial squint." Journal of Neurophysiology, 28(6), 1041–1059.
Knudsen, E. I., & Brainard, M. S. (1991). "Visual instruction of the neural map of auditory space in the developing optic tectum." Science, 253(5015), 85–87.
Merzenich, M. M., Kaas, J. H., & Sur, M. (1983). "Plasticity of sensory and motor maps in adult mammals." Annual Review of Neuroscience, 6, 87–112.
Rauschecker, J. P., & Marler, P. (1987). "What signals are necessary for a learned song?" Animal Behaviour, 35(5), 1240–1248.
New synaptic connections and existing connections are maintained in response to social experiences. An infant’s brain development relies on caregivers' meaningful sensory and motor stimulation, including emotional interactions with responsive adults. These interactions provide critical input for healthy brain development.
Three key findings from child development neuroscience highlight the role of plasticity in early brain growth:
Brain development is susceptible to supportive experiences with caregivers, underscoring the importance of nurturing relationships.
The developing brain depends on social and emotional inputs to form and retain synaptic connections.
Experiences within nurturing caregiver relationships “condition” the brain, particularly regarding stress reactivity and emotional regulation.
During early childhood, high-energy growth spurts in the brain are regulated by emotional interchanges between infants and their caregivers (Siegel, 2001). Siegel notes broad agreement across several research fields—spanning animal and human studies—that emphasises the pivotal role of emotional communication in shaping brain development.
However, these early brain developments can be disrupted in emotionally deficient caregiving environments. When expected sensory and emotional experiences do not occur, neurochemical cues are absent, halting or distorting normal brain development. Additionally, abnormal cues, such as those arising from maltreatment, can harm brain development. For instance, prolonged exposure to stress during early childhood results in elevated cortisol levels, a hormone released by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Chronic overproduction of cortisol can damage the developing brain, particularly in regions associated with emotion regulation and memory.
Studies on rats have shown that early experiences in mother-pup interactions can permanently alter the stress reactivity of the rat pup’s brain. Regularly removing the mother from her pups disrupts her nurturant behaviours, leading to long-term changes in the hormonal and behavioural stress responses of her offspring. In contrast, handling and tactile stimulation associated with comforting experiences provided by the mother induce permanent modifications in stress hormones regulated by the hypothalamus (Schore, 2001a). Rat pups exposed to supportive rearing conditions are less anxious, less fearful, and exhibit lower stress reactivity later in life.
Greenough and colleagues raised rats in either enriched or deprived environments. Rats in enriched environments developed more complex dendritic branching, larger synaptic sizes, and improved learning abilities than those in deprived conditions. Environmental stimulation during development significantly affects brain growth and cognitive function.
Kolb examined the effects of early-life tactile stimulation on rats' brain development. Rats exposed to tactile stimulation showed enhanced synaptogenesis and improved performance on tasks requiring prefrontal cortex activity. The effects were much more potent when the stimulation occurred during early developmental periods. Experiences during critical periods shape higher-order cognitive functions, such as decision-making and problem-solving.
As many researchers in this field argue, these findings from animal studies can be extrapolated to human infants. In that case, it suggests that the emotional and social qualities of early experiences have significant and lasting effects on a child’s brain. Young mammals depend on their parents and must learn to identify, remember, and prefer their caregivers. Modifying these relationships can significantly alter brain development and leave effects that remain into adulthood. These changes are correlated with changes in gene expression in the offspring. Other studies have shown modifications to maternal-infant interactions in the mPFC, OFC, hypothalamus, and amygdala.
The impact of reduced parent-child interactions on human development has been extensively studied, particularly in children adopted from institutional care. Research highlights the critical role of early caregiving experiences in shaping cognitive, emotional, and neurological outcomes, with the age of adoption being a significant factor.
Michael Rutter’s seminal work on Romanian orphans adopted into Western families provides profound insights into the long-term effects of institutional deprivation. These children experienced extreme neglect, with limited social and emotional interactions during critical early developmental periods. Rutter and colleagues found that children adopted before six months typically displayed normal cognitive and social functioning by later childhood. However, those adopted after six months, and particularly after 18 months, exhibited persistent deficits, including disinhibited attachment (an inability to form selective, secure attachments), attention deficits, and poor emotional regulation. Follow-up studies indicated that many of these children also showed smaller-than-average brain sizes and abnormal patterns of brain activity, even after decades in stable, nurturing families. Adoption after approximately 18 months was strongly associated with very poor behavioural and neurological outcomes, including lower IQ scores, reduced cognitive and social functioning, and an increased likelihood of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression (Rutter et al., 1998).
In a related line of research, Hodges and Tizard (1989) conducted a longitudinal study on the effects of early institutional care in a British context. They followed children raised in residential nurseries where they received adequate physical care but lacked consistent emotional attachments due to high staff turnover and limited one-to-one interactions. By the age of four, many of these children displayed attachment difficulties. Hodges and Tizard found that children adopted into loving families often formed strong bonds with their adoptive parents, but some continued to struggle with peer relationships and emotional regulation. In contrast, children who returned to their biological families or were placed in foster care were more likely to experience long-term difficulties, including social withdrawal and behavioural problems. These findings underscored the importance of early, consistent emotional caregiving for healthy attachment and social development.
Chugani et al. (2001) conducted a study using positron emission tomography (PET) scans to investigate the effects of early deprivation on brain function. The researchers examined a sample of 10 children adopted from Romanian orphanages and compared their results with 17 neurologically normal adults and a group of 7 children without a history of deprivation. Assessments revealed that the Romanian orphans exhibited mild neurocognitive impairments, impulsivity, and attention and social deficits.
The PET scans identified significantly reduced activity in several critical brain regions, including the orbital frontal gyrus, parts of the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the brain stem. Chugani et al. concluded that the dysfunction observed in these regions was likely a result of the stress caused by severe early deprivation. This dysfunction may underlie the long-term cognitive and behavioural deficits seen in children exposed to prolonged neglect and insufficient caregiving during critical developmental periods.
HODEL ET AL (2017)
Further studies corroborate these findings. For example, Hodel et al. (2017) observed reduced grey matter volumes among children adopted from institutional care, particularly in the prefrontal cortex. Romanian orphans studied by Rutter and others demonstrated similar neurological deficits, with reduced prefrontal cortical thickness and abnormal brain electrical activity patterns (Rutter et al., 2001). These deficits were particularly pronounced in children adopted after prolonged periods of institutionalisation, suggesting a critical period during which caregiving can mitigate or exacerbate the effects of early deprivation.
Chugani, H. T., Behen, M. E., Muzik, O., Juhász, C., Nagy, F., & Chugani, D. C. (2001). "Local brain functional activity following early deprivation: A study of post-institutionalised Romanian orphans." NeuroImage, 14(6), 1290–1301.
Hodel, A. S., Hunt, R. H., Cowell, R. A., Van Den Heuvel, S. E., Gunnar, M. R., & Thomas, K. M. (2017). "Duration of early adversity and structural brain development in post-institutionalised adolescents." NeuroImage, 105, 112–119.
Hodges, J., & Tizard, B. (1989). "Social and family relationships of ex-institutional adolescents." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 30(1), 77–97.
Johnson, D. E., & Gunnar, M. R. (2010). "Growth failure in institutionalised children." Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 75(1), 92–126.
Rutter, M., Beckett, C., Castle, J., Colvert, E., Kreppner, J., Mehta, M., Stevens, S., & Sonuga-Barke, E. (2007). "Effects of profound early institutional deprivation: An overview of findings from a UK longitudinal study of Romanian adoptees." European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 4(3), 332–350.
Rutter, M., & ERA Study Team. (1998). "Developmental catch-up, and deficit, following adoption after severe early global privation." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 39(4), 465–476.
Schore, A. N. (2001a). "Effects of early relational trauma on right brain development, affect regulation, and infant mental health." Infant Mental Health Journal.
Shonkoff, J. P., & Phillips, D. A. (2000). From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development. National Academy Press
Infants are born with the ability to discriminate speech sounds from all languages. However, over the first year of life, the auditory system begins to specialise, enabling infants to become experts in distinguishing sounds within their native language environment while losing the ability to discriminate sounds not encountered. Learning more than one language during development adds dimension, particularly in the ability to switch routinely between languages. This mental switching significantly enhances cognitive skills, including attentional and executive functions. Furthermore, bilingualism contributes to increased cognitive reserve in later life, presumably due to plastic changes in the frontal lobe.
Although nearly all children acquire language, there are substantial differences in the rate of vocabulary acquisition. In a seminal study, Hart and Risley followed children for two and a half years, from 7–9 months to 36 months, by observing families at home for one hour each month. The study revealed stark differences in vocabulary size by age three: children with larger vocabularies (~1200 words) compared to those with smaller vocabularies (~400–600 words). These differences were strongly correlated with the number of words the children were exposed to in their home environment, which, in turn, was closely tied to socioeconomic status (SES). Over a year, children from high-SES families were exposed to approximately 11 million words, while those from low-SES families were exposed to only about 3.2 million words. By the age of four, the cumulative word exposure difference between children of high- and low-SES families reached approximately 30 million words. Follow-up assessments at ages 9–10 revealed that this SES-related vocabulary gap persisted and even widened, suggesting that schooling had little impact in mitigating the deficit.
The SES-related differences in cognitive abilities are closely linked to developmental differences in the cerebral cortex. Noble et al. conducted a large-scale study examining the relationship between SES and cortical surface area in over 1000 participants aged 3–20. The study found that lower family income, independent of ethnicity or sex, was associated with reduced cortical surface area across widespread regions of the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes. These reductions in cortical surface area were correlated with poorer performance on attention, memory, vocabulary, and reading tests. Thus, lower SES is strongly associated with smaller cortical surface area and poorer cognitive outcomes.
Newport examined the proficiency of second-language learners exposed to English at various ages. Children exposed to a second language before puberty achieved near-native fluency, while those exposed later exhibited progressively lower proficiency. This study supported a critical period for language acquisition, similar to the findings in animal studies.
Hart, B., & Risley, T. R. (1992). "American parenting of language-learning children: Persisting differences in family-child interactions observed in natural home environments." Developmental Psychology, 28(6), 1096–1105.
Hart, B., & Risley, T. R. (1995). Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children. Paul H Brookes Publishing.
Newport, E. L. (1990). "Maturational constraints on language learning." Cognitive Science, 14(1), 11–28.
Noble, K. G., Houston, S. M., Brito, N. H., Bartsch, H., Kan, E., Kuperman, J. M., Akshoomoff, N., Amaral, D. G., Bloss, C. S., Libiger, O., Schork, N. J., Murray, S. S., Casey, B. J., Chang, L., Ernst, T. M., Frazier, J. A., Gruen, J. R., Kennedy, D. N., Van Zijl, P., ... Sowell, E. R. (2015). "Family income, parental education and brain structure in children and adolescents." Nature Neuroscience, 18(5), 773–778
Experience-expectant plasticity provides a robust framework for understanding how the brain is biologically primed to respond to universal environmental stimuli during critical periods. It explains key developmental processes such as visual processing, language acquisition, and social bonding, making it foundational to developmental neuroscience. The theory is supported by a wealth of empirical evidence, such as Hubel and Wiesel's studies on visual deprivation in kittens, which demonstrate that the absence of specific inputs during critical windows leads to permanent structural and functional changes in the brain. Similarly, Newport’s research on language acquisition highlights the necessity of timely exposure to stimuli for normal development.
One of the theory’s key strengths is its scientific rigour and robust empirical foundation. The research underpinning experience-expectant plasticity is often conducted using controlled experimental designs, particularly in animal models such as kittens, rats, and birds. For example, studies like those by Blakemore and Cooper on orientation-specific deprivation in kittens have yielded precise insights into how neural circuits adapt to environmental input. While some of these studies raise ethical concerns due to their reliance on sensory deprivation or other invasive methods, the findings have had profound applications in human development, particularly in fields such as early childhood education and medical interventions for sensory impairments. For instance, they inform practices like early cataract removal to prevent permanent visual deficits.
The practical applications of experience-expectant plasticity are far-reaching. The theory emphasises the importance of timely interventions, particularly in early childhood, to ensure that critical inputs are provided for optimal brain development. This has implications for policymakers, highlighting the need for early education programmes and enriched caregiving environments, especially for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. For example, initiatives targeting early language exposure in at-risk populations have been informed by the understanding that critical windows for language acquisition close relatively early in life.
Despite its strengths, experience-expectant plasticity has some limitations. The theory can appear overly deterministic by emphasising critical periods, implying that development is irreversible once these windows close. While evidence supports this in many cases, such as permanent deficits in visual processing after early sensory deprivation, there are examples of partial recovery and compensation later in life. These cases suggest a degree of flexibility in the brain that the theory does not fully explain. For instance, children who miss early language exposure can still acquire functional language skills later, though typically with significant limitations.
Another critique is the theory’s lack of clarity on the exact mechanisms that govern critical periods. While it identifies the necessity of universal inputs, it does not always explain why certain stimuli require specific timings or how genetic and environmental factors might influence these timelines. Moreover, the theory assumes a universal development trajectory but does not sufficiently address cultural or ecological variability, such as differences in caregiving practices or linguistic environments. This raises questions about whether the expected stimuli are universal or shaped by socio-cultural contexts.
Ethical concerns also surround much of the foundational research. Experiments on animals, such as sensory deprivation studies, have been criticised for the distress caused to subjects. While these studies provide valuable insights into brain development, their ethical implications have sparked significant debate. Despite these concerns, the findings have been instrumental in advancing understanding and improving human outcomes. For example, early interventions for sensory impairments or neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism, are informed by these studies, demonstrating the real-world impact of this research.
In conclusion, experience-expectant plasticity is a robust and scientifically validated theory that provides critical insights into how the brain develops in response to universal environmental stimuli. Its emphasis on critical periods underscores the importance of early experiences in shaping lifelong brain function. The theory has substantial practical applications, informing educational policies, caregiving practices, and medical interventions. However, it also faces critiques, including its deterministic framing of development, its limited focus on cultural variability, and the ethical considerations of its foundational research. While further exploration of its mechanisms is needed, the theory remains a cornerstone of developmental neuroscience, bridging the gap between research and real-world applications.
Unlike experience-expectant plasticity, which involves universal, time-sensitive learning, experience-dependent plasticity is unique to the individual. This plasticity allows the brain to continue adapting and forming new connections throughout life based on personal experiences. For example:
Learning New Skills: When you learn to play a musical instrument or master a new hobby, your brain strengthens and reorganises specific neural pathways.
Memory Formation: Creating and storing memories is a lifelong process driven by experiences unique to each person.
Recovery from Injury: The brain’s capacity for change can help individuals recover from injuries, such as strokes, by rerouting functions to undamaged areas.
The critical window was once the basis for the belief that the older brain could not acquire a new skill without significant difficulty. The hypothesis that behaviours are acquired during a critical period was first proposed by neurologists Wilder Penfield and Lamar Roberts in 1959 and popularised by linguist Eric H. Lenneberg in 1967. Lenneberg argued for the hypothesis based on evidence that children who experience brain injury early in life develop far better language skills than adults with similar injuries.
However, it is now believed that some types of learning are more resistant to plasticity in older individuals, while others are not, because of how necessary the skills are for human development. Human brains did not evolve to develop many skills required in modern life – many of which are culturally relevant, such as driving, writing, algebra, cooking, or geography. Humans are adaptable creatures; they can live anywhere and have the potential to speak any language or learn a new skill. It makes sense that the brain can learn new things throughout its lifespan.
It was once thought that the adult brain’s networks became fixed after a certain age – the adage, “old dogs cannot learn new tricks.” In the past two decades, however, extensive research has revealed that the brain never stops changing, learning, and adjusting to experience. This type of brain change is experience-dependent plasticity (also known as structural plasticity). In short, it refers to most skills and knowledge developed over the lifespan. It is called "experience-dependent" because the brain does not necessarily expect to learn what it is presented with (e.g., an Eskimo child learning how to build an igloo). These skills are probably acquired through operant, classical, and observational learning and help formulate schemas and semantic knowledge.
There is no critical period for experience-dependent learning; for example, you can learn how to drive at 16, 30, or 50. This may explain why some older individuals seem to learn specific skills very quickly, even if they had not been exposed to them in childhood. All education is underpinned by experience-dependent plasticity.
The brain's capacity to change with learning and memorising new knowledge is vital for survival, enabling humans to navigate their environments and adapt to new challenges. This adaptability is not tied to critical periods but reflects the brain's ongoing ability to reorganise its neural pathways throughout life. From mastering a new skill to acquiring knowledge, these changes allow us to develop complex behaviours and thrive in diverse environments.
When we engage in learning, the brain undergoes measurable physical changes. These include the growth of dendrites (which receive signals), the branching of axons (which transmit signals), and the formation of new synapses (connections between neurons). Repeated engagement in a task strengthens these connections, creating efficient pathways for processing and storing information. Over time, unused or weaker connections are removed through synaptic pruning, ensuring the brain focuses on the most relevant and frequently used pathways.
Consider an individual learning martial arts in adulthood. As they practice movements, their motor cortex adapts by forming new connections between neurons to refine balance, coordination, and precision. Similarly, the cerebellum, responsible for fine-tuning motor skills, increases its efficiency in processing complex sequences. The more the movements are repeated, the stronger these neural connections become, enabling the learner to execute techniques quickly and quickly.
Learning chess, on the other hand, engages entirely different neural systems. The prefrontal cortex, which governs planning, strategy, and decision-making, becomes more active as players analyse potential moves and predict outcomes. Over time, repeated exposure to chess problems enhances working memory and cognitive flexibility, while the hippocampus—associated with memory consolidation—strengthens its connections to store patterns and strategies for future use. These structural changes improve chess performance and general problem-solving skills, demonstrating how a single activity can have broad cognitive benefits.
Similarly, reading—whether learned in childhood or adulthood—requires the brain to coordinate multiple regions, including the visual cortex (processing written symbols), the auditory cortex (linking symbols to sounds), and the language centres (deriving meaning). The brain creates new pathways for late learners to integrate these processes, illustrating its capacity to adapt regardless of age. Over time, reading builds semantic networks that enrich comprehension and foster intellectual growth.
Many of these learning processes are supported by classical and operant conditioning, mechanisms that help shape behaviour through repetition and reinforcement:
Classical Conditioning: Involves associating a stimulus with a response. For instance, repeated exposure to an opponent’s movement in martial arts conditions an automatic defensive reflex, such as a block or dodge, ensuring faster reactions. Similarly, phonics-based methods associate sounds with letters in reading, creating automatic connections between visual symbols and auditory cues.
Operant Conditioning: Reinforces behaviours through rewards or consequences. For example, in chess, successfully using a strategy (e.g., a fork or pin) may be reinforced by a win, encouraging the player to repeat that behaviour. Praise for a proper technique or achieving a belt rank in martial arts motivates further improvement. Positive reinforcement from teachers or parents for correct pronunciation fosters sustained engagement in reading.
Both forms of conditioning rely on repeated experiences, which drive synaptogenesis, dendritic growth, and axonal sprouting in the regions of the brain relevant to the task. This relationship illustrates how neural pathways are strengthened and behaviours refined through practice and feedback.
Significantly, the speed and efficiency of these changes depend on motivation, engagement, and practice. While younger learners may acquire new motor or cognitive skills more rapidly, older learners often bring a wealth of prior knowledge and problem-solving strategies to the table, enabling them to approach challenges creatively and creatively. For instance, a young child learning chess may rely on pattern recognition, while an adult may apply logic and abstract reasoning to overcome more complex scenarios.
Beyond skill acquisition, engaging in challenging activities has long-term benefits for brain health. Regularly pursuing intellectually or physically demanding tasks—such as practising martial arts, solving chess puzzles, or reading complex literature—promotes neurogenesis (the growth of new neurons) and builds a “cognitive reserve” that helps delay the effects of ageing and cognitive decline. This demonstrates how the brain’s plasticity supports learning and resilience throughout life.
In conclusion, the brain’s ability to adapt and reorganise in response to learning ensures that humans can continuously acquire skills and knowledge, regardless of age or prior experience. Whether through martial arts, chess, or reading, engaging in diverse and challenging tasks reshapes the brain’s structure and function, reinforcing its extraordinary capacity for lifelong growth. This adaptability is a cornerstone of human evolution, enabling us to innovate, solve problems, and thrive in an ever-changing world.
The fact that the brain changes as a result of experience raises profound questions about the interplay between nature and nurture. Traditionally, these concepts were viewed as distinct: nature referred to inherited biological factors, while nurture encompassed environmental influences. However, research into neuroplasticity reveals that nurture shapes behaviour and alters the brain's physical structure—its hardware—blurring the boundaries between these two domains.
For instance, environmental factors like education, diet, and social interaction can influence the density of synaptic connections, the growth of dendrites, and the formation of new neural pathways. Research by Maguire et al. (2000) on London taxi drivers highlights this adaptability. The study found that taxi drivers who memorised London’s complex road system exhibited increased volume in the posterior hippocampus, a brain region associated with spatial navigation. This structural change, shaped by years of experience, underscores how environmental demands can reshape the brain, challenging the deterministic perspective of genetic inheritance alone.
This adaptability, while a testament to the power of nurture, also complicates the notion of fixed biological potential. If the brain’s structure and function can be reshaped by experience, it implies that inherited traits may not set absolute limits on a person's abilities. For example, the capacity to learn and develop skills like reading or mathematics is not purely dictated by genetic predisposition but is heavily influenced by access to education and practice. Similarly, interventions such as therapy or training can mitigate deficits arising from biological vulnerabilities, such as developmental delays or cognitive impairments.
At the same time, this raises ethical and societal questions about responsibility and opportunity. If nurture can alter the "nature" of the brain, then inequities in access to enriching environments take on new significance. Socioeconomic factors, such as poverty, inadequate schooling, or exposure to chronic stress, may limit a person’s neural development, not because of innate deficiencies but because of insufficient nurturing experiences. This creates a moral imperative to provide equal opportunities for learning and growth, ensuring that environmental influences optimise, rather than hinder, an individual’s potential.
In evaluating this perspective, it is essential to recognise that the effects of nurture on the brain are not unlimited. Genetic factors still play a critical role in determining the initial architecture of the brain, such as the size and connectivity of regions involved in language, memory, or emotion. Additionally, some aspects of neural plasticity decline with age, making early interventions particularly critical for maximising potential. However, the interplay between nature and nurture is dynamic and reciprocal; genes set the stage, but experience fine-tunes the performance.
Ultimately, the fact that nurture shapes the brain’s structure and function highlights the profound impact of environmental factors on human potential. It reinforces the idea that biological predispositions are not destiny and that experience—be it through education, training, or social interaction—can reshape the foundation of our cognitive and emotional lives. This understanding deepens the nature-nurture debate and underscores that society is responsible for creating environments that foster growth and development for all individuals.
The human brain’s capacity for plasticity—the ability to reorganise its structure and function in response to experience—has been demonstrated across the lifespan. Once thought to be limited to early developmental periods, we now know that the brain can adapt to new demands well into adulthood and even old age. This understanding has been supported by numerous studies showcasing how experiences, from playing video games to practising meditation, shape the brain’s structure.
Plasticity in adulthood is famously demonstrated by Maguire et al. (2000), who found that London taxi drivers exhibited significantly larger posterior hippocampi compared to a control group of non-taxi drivers. This enlargement correlated with the years spent driving taxis, highlighting how environmental demands reshape brain regions associated with spatial navigation.
However, subsequent research suggests that the enlargement of the hippocampus may not be permanent. Once navigation becomes procedural and automatic, the hippocampus is used less, as the learned routes and tasks are consolidated in other brain areas, such as the cerebellum, which is responsible for procedural memory and motor coordination. This transfer indicates that hippocampal plasticity is dynamic and depends on the stage of learning, aligning with principles of experience-dependent plasticity.
The study also raises concerns about beta bias, as the sample included only male participants. Testosterone, which influences visual-spatial memory, may enhance hippocampal plasticity in males more than in females, meaning the findings might not fully generalise to women. Testosterone's role in procedural memory formation may also explain why men, on average, tend to excel in tasks involving spatial navigation, further complicating the interpretation of the results.
Complementary research by Pascual-Leone et al. (1995) provides evidence of plasticity in less specialised tasks. Non-musicians who practised a five-finger piano exercise for two hours a day over five days showed measurable enlargement and increased activity in the brain region controlling finger movements compared to a control group. This demonstrates that structural changes can occur quickly, even in individuals without prior expertise, reinforcing the dynamic nature of adult plasticity.
Dynamic Plasticity: Hippocampal enlargement in the study is temporary and reflects the active learning phase before consolidation occurs.
Procedural Memory Transfer: Over time, learned behaviours become automated and involve regions like the cerebellum rather than the hippocampus.
Testosterone’s Role: Beta bias in the study may overlook how hormonal differences influence brain plasticity, particularly in tasks requiring spatial navigation.
Studies have demonstrated that even unskilled individuals can acquire new abilities quickly, with physical evidence of brain plasticity emerging swiftly. For instance, Pascual-Leone et al. (1995) asked non-musicians to practise a five-finger piano exercise for two hours daily over five days. By the end of the study, brain scans revealed that the region responsible for finger movement had become larger and more active compared to a control group who did not perform the exercises. This highlights how focused practice can rapidly induce structural and functional changes in the brain.
Further research into adult learning has included diverse samples, such as female participants and individuals with varying levels of expertise. For example, Pantev et al. (1998) found that skilled musicians had an auditory cortex up to 25% larger than non-musicians. Interestingly, the degree of cortical enlargement was correlated with the age at which the musicians began practising, emphasising the importance of early training.
However, Pantev’s findings also highlight a natural decline in cognitive functioning with age. One widely accepted explanation for this decline is related to synaptogenesis, the formation of new synaptic connections. In infancy, a process known as exuberant synaptogenesis occurs, producing an abundance of neural connections at a rapid pace. As the brain matures, synaptogenesis continues but at a slower rate, which may help explain why older individuals often learn new skills more gradually.
One widely accepted explanation for the decline in learning ability in older brains is related to synaptogenesis, the process of forming new synaptic connections. Research suggests that the younger an individual is, the more prolific and rapid these neural connections are. During infancy, a process known as exuberant synaptogenesis occurs, producing an abundance of neural connections at an accelerated pace. This heightened productivity forms the neural architecture necessary for rapid learning. However, as the brain matures, the speed and frequency of synaptogenesis decrease, which may help explain why older individuals learn specific tasks more slowly.
Another theory proposes that the slower processing and retrieval of information in older individuals may be due to an overabundance of neural connections. Scientists from Tübingen University in Germany suggest that older brains process information more slowly because they must navigate a lifetime of accumulated knowledge and memories to retrieve specific facts. Instead of reflecting weakness, they argue that older brains are more powerful, though less efficient, due to their vast network of stored information. This hypothesis also suggests that age-related cognitive decline may stem from a deceleration of synaptic pruning, eliminating unnecessary connections to improve neural efficiency.
Despite these challenges, research demonstrates that the brain can learn and adapt well to old age. Boyke et al. (2008) found evidence of brain plasticity in sixty-year-old participants who learned to juggle. After training, participants showed increased grey matter in the visual cortex, although these changes reversed when they stopped practising. This highlights the brain’s capacity for adaptation and the importance of sustained engagement to maintain neural changes.
Neuroimaging studies, including techniques like fMRI, PET, and MEG, further support the idea that brain growth and development continue until early adulthood and beyond. However, the plasticity of specific brain regions varies. For example, skills like music training for temporal patterns are most effectively developed during early childhood. In contrast, more straightforward auditory skills, such as perceiving and repeating tones, can be acquired at any age.
The importance of early exposure is also evident in studies of musicians. A Newsweek report (1966) highlighted findings from MRI scans of nine string players, showing that the somatosensory cortex devoted to the thumb and fifth finger—the fingering digits—was significantly larger in players than in non-musicians. Interestingly, the age at which players began practising was more influential than the amount of daily practice, with younger starters devoting more cortical area to playing.
Video games require complex cognitive and motor skills, making them valuable for studying brain plasticity. Kuhn et al. (2014) compared a control group with a video game training group that practised Super Mario for at least 30 minutes per day over two months. The researchers found significant increases in grey matter in brain areas such as the cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. These changes were not observed in the control group. The findings suggest that video game training resulted in new synaptic connections in regions involved in spatial navigation, strategic planning, working memory, and motor performance—skills essential for successful gameplay.
Further support comes from Anguera et al. (2013), who developed a customised video game to improve multitasking in older adults. Participants trained on the game showed enhanced prefrontal cortex activity and improved cognitive control, highlighting video gaming as a tool for enhancing brain plasticity across the lifespan.
Meditation has been shown to induce long-term changes in the brain. Davidson et al. (2004) compared eight experienced Tibetan monks with ten student volunteers without meditation experience. Both groups were fitted with electrical sensors and asked to meditate briefly. The monks exhibited significantly higher levels of gamma wave activity, which is critical for coordinating neuronal activity. Interestingly, this heightened gamma wave activity was observed in the monks before meditation, suggesting that sustained meditation produces permanent changes in brain function.
Further evidence comes from Tang et al. (2015), who found that two weeks of integrative body-mind training (a meditation-based practice) increased white matter integrity in the anterior cingulate cortex. This supports the idea that meditation induces short- and long-term neural adaptations, promoting improved cognitive and emotional regulation.
The findings from plasticity research have far-reaching implications for society, particularly in education and developmental psychology. Understanding how the brain learns has shaped educational theories, shedding light on optimising learning environments and addressing learning difficulties, such as those encountered by individuals with special needs. For instance, creating enriched environments to stimulate brain development has been proposed to enhance synaptogenesis and improve cognitive outcomes.
Research by Kempermann et al. (1998) investigated the effects of enriched and deprived environments on synaptic densities in rats. Rats raised in enriched environments—with access to toys, ladders, and social interaction—had up to 25% more synapses per neuron in brain areas linked to sensory perception than those raised in isolated, deprived conditions. Moreover, the enriched rats outperformed their deprived counterparts on learning tasks, suggesting a clear link between environmental stimulation, brain development, and cognitive performance. These findings were further supported by Blakemore and Frith (2000), who highlighted the detrimental effects of deprivation on brain plasticity and learning.
However, critics argue that the enriched environments used in these studies were closer to a rat's natural habitat, while the deprived environments were artificially restrictive. This suggests that the findings may primarily reflect the harmful effects of deprivation rather than demonstrating the unique benefits of enrichment.
In human contexts, “enrichment” is often interpreted through the lens of early educational interventions or attempts to “hothouse” infants by exposing them to advanced academic or cognitive training. While such efforts aim to capitalise on the heightened plasticity of young brains, research cautions against overemphasising structured academic tasks at the expense of more naturalistic, responsive interactions. For instance, love, attention, and face-to-face communication are consistently stronger predictors of cognitive and emotional outcomes than structured drills or exposure to specific stimuli.
Studies like those on Romanian orphans (e.g., Nelson et al., 2007) underscore the importance of these factors. Children raised in deprived environments with limited caregiver interaction exhibited long-term cognitive and social deficits, even after being moved to enriched settings. This highlights that every day, nurturing environments—not extreme enrichment—are key to healthy development.
While Kempermann’s research provides valuable insights, there are significant limitations to consider when extrapolating from animal studies to human learning:
Biological Differences
Animals, such as rats, are less behaviourally flexible than humans and lack higher-order cognitive abilities. Processes such as working memory, which are fundamental to human learning, are localised in different brain regions in rats and humans (Byrnes & Fox, 1998).
Furthermore, the maturation of the brain follows different trajectories across species. Synaptic densities in rats and humans do not develop in the same pattern, making direct comparisons problematic.
Artificial Deprivation
The "enriched" environments in animal studies often simulate what would be considered a typical environment for the species, whereas the deprived environments are unnaturally restrictive. Thus, these findings may overstate the apparent benefits of enrichment while primarily reflecting the detrimental effects of deprivation (OECD).
Relevance to Human Synaptic Densities
There is no direct evidence that humans link synaptic densities to improved learning outcomes. Additionally, the relationship between synaptic densities in early life and those in later life remains unproven (OECD). This limits the applicability of findings from animal studies to understanding long-term learning outcomes in humans.
Despite these limitations, research into plasticity has provided a valuable foundation for understanding how environmental factors shape brain development. While caution is necessary when generalising from animals to humans, human studies have corroborated some aspects of these findings:
Early Interventions: Programs targeting early childhood education have shown significant cognitive and social benefits, particularly for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Such interventions highlight the importance of providing stimulating environments during critical periods to optimise development.
Balanced Stimulation: Findings suggest that love, attention, and naturalistic interactions are more beneficial than attempts to accelerate learning artificially. For example, children in “hot housed” environments may experience stress and disengagement, undermining the potential benefits of such programs.
However, the lack of direct evidence linking synaptogenesis to improved human learning underscores the need for further research. Understanding the nuanced relationship between brain plasticity and cognitive outcomes will be essential for translating findings from animal models into practical strategies for enhancing human development.
One compelling theory about the human brain's remarkable plasticity is that it evolved exceptionally adaptable, allowing humans to thrive in various environments and situations. Unlike many other species, which are highly specialized for specific habitats or ways of life, humans can adjust to vastly different conditions, from the cold Arctic to the scorching heat of the desert. This adaptability stems from the brain’s ability to reorganise itself and form new connections based on experience, a phenomenon known as neuroplasticity.
Humans are born with a brain that is far from entirely 'hardwired.' Instead, the human brain has an inherent flexibility, allowing it to learn and adapt throughout life. This capacity to mould itself to fit a wide range of circumstances is vital for survival and cultural, linguistic, and technological evolution. For example, humans can learn multiple languages, master different technologies, and adopt a variety of diets and lifestyles depending on the environment and circumstances they find themselves in. This degree of adaptability has been crucial in allowing humans to settle in diverse regions of the world, from freezing tundras to rainforests, and to develop societies that span a vast range of cultural and technological advancements.
In contrast, many animals are born with more rigid brains, having evolved to thrive in specific environments. For instance, a rhinoceros is biologically adapted to a hot, arid climate and lacks the brain flexibility to survive in drastically different conditions. It cannot learn to adapt to new environments because its brain has developed to meet the specific demands of one niche habitat. This lack of plasticity means that the rhinoceros, like many other species, is biologically constrained by the environment in which it was born.
Humans, however, are not constrained in this way. The brain's plasticity means that we can adapt to various physical environments and adjust to new societal structures, languages, and technologies. The ability to learn from experience and adjust to changing circumstances is, therefore, not just a survival mechanism—it's a key factor that has allowed humans to colonise almost every corner of the Earth and to shape the world around them in unprecedented ways. This flexibility in brain function underlies much of the success and resilience of the human species across history.
The developing brain is influenced by various factors, from preconception parental experiences to gestational and postnatal environments. While these factors are often examined in isolation, in reality, they interact in complex ways to shape behaviour and brain function over time, a dynamic process referred to as meta-plasticity. Despite advances in understanding, current knowledge of how positive influences, such as tactile stimulation, can mitigate the effects of negative factors like severe stress is still limited. Changes in behaviour, neuronal morphology, and epigenetic mechanisms provide key insights, but brain plasticity occurs at many levels and requires further exploration.
While the brain retains some degree of plasticity throughout life, the distinction between experience-dependent and experience-expectant plasticity is crucial. Experience-dependent plasticity underpins learning at any age, such as acquiring a new skill through practice. However, experience-expectant plasticity relies on specific, universal inputs during critical developmental windows. These inputs—such as exposure to faces, language, number sense, and social interactions—are essential for normal brain development. Without the right stimuli during these periods, the brain may fail to form foundational structures and functions, leading to enduring deficits.
For example, children who lack early exposure to language or social interactions may struggle with categorisation, forming schemas (mental templates), and understanding social relations. Similarly, adults who exhibit resistance to learning may be constrained by gaps in critical inputs during early development. These gaps highlight the long-term consequences of missed opportunities during critical windows.
Contrary to popular belief, the idea that plasticity allows anyone to learn anything at any age applies only to experience-dependent learning, not to experience-expectant processes. This distinction carries significant implications for policymakers. Interventions targeting impoverished children must occur early, particularly in the first six months to two years of life, as social care or educational investments beyond this critical period may be insufficient to address developmental inequalities. Early interventions should focus on providing enriched environments that include nurturing care, exposure to language, and opportunities for social interaction to optimise brain development during these critical periods.
In conclusion, brain plasticity is a powerful but time-sensitive phenomenon. While later learning is possible through experience-dependent mechanisms, the critical windows for experience-expectant inputs must not be overlooked. Addressing developmental inequalities requires a proactive approach, ensuring that the right stimuli are provided during the earliest stages of life to promote optimal brain development and mitigate the effects of adverse experiences.
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Functional recovery of the brain is the process by which the brain adapts and reorganises itself following injury, trauma, or neurological disorders, in order to restore lost functions. When brain areas are damaged, such as through a stroke or physical injury, the brain has an innate ability to compensate for these deficits. This is achieved through a range of adaptive mechanisms that allow the brain to reassign tasks to undamaged regions. Over time, the brain can form new neural connections and pathways, essentially 'rewiring' itself to regain abilities that were previously impaired. This remarkable flexibility is driven by the brain’s plasticity, which enables it to reorganise its structure and functions in response to damage. In this way, even though some brain cells may be lost or permanently damaged, other areas can often take over their role, leading to a partial or full recovery of function
Several key mechanisms contribute to the brain's functional recovery:
One of the primary mechanisms for recovery is neural unmasking. This refers to the activation of dormant or unused neural connections already present in the brain but not usually engaged. Under normal conditions, some synapses (the junctions where neurons communicate) remain inactive because they don’t receive enough input to be triggered. However, when a brain region is damaged, the loss of input to that area can cause an increase in the activation of these dormant synapses. The unmasking of these synapses allows for the formation of new neural connections, enabling other brain areas to take over the functions of the damaged region. This process enables the brain to reroute information and recover lost abilities.AXON SPROUTING
Another important mechanism is axon sprouting, where new nerve endings (axons) grow from surviving neurons and connect with previously undamaged brain areas. These new connections enable the transmission of signals in a way that compensates for the lost functionality. Axon sprouting is crucial for creating new pathways to replace those lost due to injury.STEM CELL THERAPY
Stem cells represent a potential source of recovery, as they can develop into different types of neurons. In the context of brain injury, stem cells could assist in repairing damaged tissue by differentiating into neurons and glial cells (the supporting cells in the brain). Research into stem cell therapy is ongoing, with promising results suggesting that stem cells may one day be used to help treat brain injuries or neurological disorders.REFORMATION OF BLOOD VESSELS
In response to injury, the brain can also undergo the reformation of blood vessels. New blood vessels are formed to restore oxygen and nutrients to the damaged area, which aids in the healing process. Improved blood flow supports neuronal survival and helps maintain the structural and functional integrity of the brain.RECRUITMENT OF HOMOLOGOUS AREAS
In some cases, homologous areas in the opposite hemisphere of the brain can take over functions lost due to injury. For example, if damage occurs to Broca’s area (responsible for speech production) in the left hemisphere, a corresponding area on the right hemisphere—homologous in structure and function—might compensate for the lost function. This recruitment of regions in the opposite hemisphere helps maintain abilities, such as language or motor skills.
These mechanisms, often combined, enable the brain to reorganise itself after injury. However, the success of recovery depends on various factors, including the severity of the damage, the individual’s age, and the timing of interventions. While complete recovery may not always be possible, these mechanisms can significantly mitigate the effects of brain injury and support the restoration of lost functions.
“For many decades, it was thought that the brain was a nonrenewable organ,” that brain cells are bestowed in a finite amount and they slowly die as we age, whether we attempt to keep them around or not. “in adult centers, the nerve paths are something fixed, ended, immutable. Everything may die, nothing may be regenerated”
— Ramón y Cajal as cited in Fuchs & Flügge, 2014
Early studies in the 1960s began to explore how stroke victims could regain lost functions over time. Researchers discovered that after brain cells are damaged or destroyed during a stroke, the brain can reroute tasks to other, undamaged areas. These findings were primarily derived from clinical observations of stroke survivors. Over time, neurons near the damaged regions can form new circuits, helping to restore some of the lost functions.
For example, Bertolucci et al. (2002) conducted studies on stroke patients who had recovered speech after a left hemisphere stroke. They found that these patients exhibited activity in the right hemisphere during speech production, suggesting that the brain can reorganise functions across hemispheres after injury. The method involved detailed neuroimaging techniques like PET scans to track brain activity during speech tasks.
One well-documented phenomenon highlighting functional recovery in the brain is phantom limb sensation, in which amputees continue to experience sensations or pain in limbs that no longer exist. Research has shown that the cortical maps dedicated to the amputated limb don’t disappear; instead, they are re-mapped to nearby brain areas.
In Ramachandran and Hirstein's (1998) study, fMRI scans revealed that the sensory cortex, which typically processes sensory information from the missing limb, engages with nearby cortical regions (e.g., the face or arm area). This misinterpretation of sensory signals results in the sensation of the missing limb. Using fMRI and clinical observation, their study showed how the brain reorganises itself after traumatic injury.
Human echolocation is another striking example of brain recovery. People with visual impairments, particularly blind individuals, have been shown to use echolocation to navigate their environment by producing sounds, such as clicks, and interpreting the returning echoes. This skill relies on brain reorganisation, where the visual cortex is recruited to process auditory information.
In a study by Thaler et al. (2011), the researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to track brain activity in blind individuals using echolocation. They discovered that the visual cortex became active when these participants processed echoes, a function traditionally associated with the auditory cortex. This adaptation exemplifies how the brain's plasticity allows areas dedicated to one sense to take over functions typically associated with another.
The use of stem cells in brain recovery has been a promising area of research. Stem cells, which can differentiate into various types of cells, including neurons, may offer the potential for repairing brain damage. There are several theories about how stem cells might assist recovery, such as by replacing dead neurons, secreting growth factors to support healing, or facilitating new neural connections.
Tajiri et al. (2013) conducted an animal study in which rats with traumatic brain injuries were divided into two groups: one group received stem cell transplants, while the other received a placebo. After three months, rats in the stem cell group showed clear signs of recovery, including developing neuron-like cells in the damaged areas and migrating stem cells to the injury site. This animal study proved that stem cells may aid functional recovery after brain injury.
Another study by Li et al. (2012) examined the effects of stem cell therapy on cognitive function after traumatic brain injury. Using rats as subjects, they found that stem cells implanted into the damaged regions helped restore cognitive abilities and promoted neurogenesis in the hippocampus. Their study used behavioural testing to assess improvements in memory and cognitive function, alongside neuroimaging to track changes in brain activity.
A key mechanism of brain recovery is neural unmasking, which involves the activation of previously dormant neural pathways. These pathways, which generally do not carry out specific functions, are "unmasked" when damage to the brain forces the brain to reorganise its networks to compensate for lost abilities.
In Wall's (1977) pioneering work, he identified dormant synapses in the brain—synaptic connections that are present but not active under normal circumstances. He suggested that these synapses could be "unmasked" when the brain needs to compensate for damaged areas. This concept was further explored by Cohen and Reggia (1996), who used computational models to simulate how dormant synapses could be activated following brain injury, leading to functional recovery. This process helps establish new neural connections, potentially restoring lost functions.
Another process contributing to functional recovery is axon sprouting, where new nerve endings (axons) grow from undamaged brain areas to connect with the damaged regions. This process has been shown to play a role in motor and sensory recovery after brain injury. In Büchel et al. (2000), an fMRI study, they observed that axon sprouting was particularly evident in patients who had suffered from stroke and were undergoing rehabilitation. The sprouting axons formed new connections, allowing for partial recovery of motor functions.
When specific brain regions are damaged, other areas of the brain, particularly in the opposite hemisphere, may take over the function of the damaged areas. This phenomenon is known as the recruitment of the homologous regions. For example, when Broca’s area, which is responsible for speech production, is damaged, regions in the right hemisphere may assume responsibility for some of its functions.
In Saur et al. (2006), a study using fMRI imaging, researchers demonstrated that after damage to Broca's area, areas of the right hemisphere were activated during language tasks, indicating that the right hemisphere could compensate for the loss of function. This study proved how the brain can reorganise and recruit homologous areas in the opposite hemisphere to take over lost functions.
Research into the recovery of brain function following injury highlights the remarkable adaptability of the brain. Mechanisms like neural unmasking, axon sprouting, stem cell therapy, and the recruitment of homologous areas support the idea that the brain can recover lost functions through neural reorganisation and plasticity. While the evidence primarily comes from various studies, including clinical observations, neuroimaging techniques like fMRI and PET scans, and animal studies, further research is needed to understand better the specific mechanisms at play and how they can be leveraged for therapeutic purposes.
Ramachandran, V. S., & Hirstein, W. (1998). The perception of phantom limbs. Brain, 121(9), 1603-1630.
Thaler, L., Rauschecker, J. P., & Schinazi, V. R. (2011). Human echolocation is an auditory spatial sense. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(28), 11511-11516.
Tajiri, N., Yasuhara, T., Shingo, T., & Kameda, M. (2013). Administration of stem cells into the brain after traumatic injury. Neurobiology of Disease, 55, 34-44.
Bertolucci, F., & Della Sala, S. (2002). Rehabilitation of stroke patients: Effects on motor skills. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 9(2), 167-170.
Büchel, C., et al. (2000). Axon sprouting and functional recovery in the brain after stroke. Nature Neuroscience, 3(1), 95-99.
Saur, D., et al. (2006). Dynamic processes of language reorganisation after stroke. Brain, 129(2), 1371-1384.
Wall, P. D. (1977). "Dormant synapses" and functional recovery in the nervous system. Brain Research, 121(1), 13-19.
Cohen, J. D., & Reggia, J. A. (1996). The role of dormant synapses in neural network recovery after brain damage. Neurocomputing, 9(1), 321-330
While the brain can remarkably reorganise itself after injury, several factors influence the extent and speed of functional recovery. These factors include age, the nature of the injury, and the intensity of rehabilitation, all of which can impact the brain's capacity for neuroplasticity.
It is widely accepted that functional plasticity in the brain diminishes with age. Huttenlocher (2002) proposed that the brain's capacity to reorganise and recover following injury is far greater in children than adults. In children, the brain is more flexible, and damaged areas of the brain can often be taken over by adjacent or homologous regions with relative ease. This is particularly true in the early years when the brain is still developing and more malleable.
However, the situation becomes more complicated in adults. While it was once believed that the adult brain's ability to reorganise was limited, evidence suggests that even in adulthood, the brain can exhibit plasticity with the right stimuli. Elbert et al. (2001) argued that while adults still have the capacity for neural reorganisation, it is much more complex and requires more intense, prolonged practice to produce significant changes. The recovery process is often slower and less complete compared to that in younger individuals. This might be because, as the brain matures, its neural networks become more specialised, making it harder for unused areas to take over functions once managed by other brain parts.
Moreover, adults may be more likely to rely on compensatory behavioural strategies rather than full neural recovery. These strategies might include using external aids or developing cognitive strategies to manage deficits. For instance, a person who has suffered a stroke might rely more on social support or create new routines to cope with memory or motor deficits rather than expecting complete restoration of brain function. While these strategies can help people adapt to their conditions, they do not necessarily reflect proper functional recovery.
Despite the challenges posed by age, several factors can make functional recovery more likely, even in adults. These factors include the severity of the injury, the timing of intervention, and the level of rehabilitation or retraining.
Intensity of Rehabilitation and Retraining: Research has shown that even adults can experience significant changes in brain function with intensive retraining or rehabilitation. For example, in cases of stroke, patients who engage in prolonged therapy or targeted brain training exercises often show improved outcomes, particularly in motor and cognitive functions. Programs focusing on repetitive, challenging tasks can stimulate brain plasticity by encouraging the brain to form new connections and reorganise damaged pathways.
Type of Injury: The brain's ability to recover can also depend on the type of injury. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) or stroke may result in different recovery trajectories. Areas of the brain affected by strokes, mainly those responsible for language or motor functions, are often more likely to reorganise than other brain parts. In contrast, more widespread damage, such as that caused by neurodegenerative diseases, may present more significant challenges to recovery. The nature of the injury influences the potential for functional reorganisation.
Age at the Time of Injury: Although the brain's plasticity declines, younger adults may still show a better recovery capacity than older individuals. In children, the brain is more adaptable. It has a larger capacity for reorganising after injury, but research has demonstrated that adults can still benefit from neuroplastic changes with early intervention.
Environmental Stimulation and Social Support: Environmental factors such as cognitive stimulation and social support can also enhance recovery. People with a stimulating environment or strong support systems are likelier to engage in rehabilitation activities and practice new skills, accelerating recovery of brain function. In the context of stroke recovery, patients who maintain an active lifestyle and are encouraged to practice real-world tasks show more significant functional improvements than those who do not engage with rehabilitation in meaningful ways.
Emotional and Psychological Factors: A patient’s motivation and mental health are also significant in recovery. Patients who are motivated to engage in rehabilitation tend to recover better than those who are not. Depression and stress can hinder recovery by reducing a person’s willingness or ability to engage in the rehabilitation process. Therefore, a holistic approach addressing emotional and psychological well-being is crucial for successful brain recovery.
Neuroplasticity is central to the brain’s ability to recover from various forms of injury. There are several benefits associated with neuroplasticity that contribute to recovery from brain events such as strokes, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), and even the loss of certain brain functions.
RECOVERY FROM STROKES: One of the most studied areas in neuroplasticity is stroke recovery. After a stroke, the affected brain areas may suffer from neuronal death or damage. However, surrounding regions can take over the functions previously managed by the damaged areas. This is particularly true for motor functions, as the brain can often reorganise to compensate for the lost abilities. The extent of recovery usually depends on the stroke's severity and the timing of rehabilitation efforts. Cognitive rehabilitation programs that improve memory, problem-solving, and other mental functions also leverage neuroplasticity to help patients regain lost abilities.
RECOVERY FROM TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURIES: In cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI), neuroplasticity plays a crucial role in restoring cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and language. Other areas can sometimes pick up the slack when part of the brain is injured. Neuroimaging studies, such as those using fMRI or PET scans, have demonstrated that new neural connections are formed after brain injury in regions adjacent to the damaged area, allowing for partial recovery of lost functions. Intensive neurorehabilitation techniques, such as task-specific training and cognitive-behavioural therapies, have shown promise in enhancing this plasticity and improving overall outcomes.
REWIRED FUNCTIONS IN THE BRAIN: In addition to restoring lost functions, neuroplasticity can also lead to the rewiring of functions. For example, if a sensory area in the brain is damaged, other areas of the brain can take over the task. This phenomenon has been observed in blind individuals, where the visual cortex is repurposed to process auditory or tactile information. The concept of the brain "rewiring" itself after injury shows how neuroplasticity is not limited to recovery but can lead to new capabilities that were not present before.
ENHANCEMENT OF OTHER SENSES: Interestingly, losing one sense can sometimes lead to improvements in other senses, a phenomenon known as compensatory sensory enhancement. For instance, losing sight may experience heightened hearing or touch. The brain can reorganise to enhance sensory input in other modalities, compensating for the lost sensory input. This is another example of how neuroplasticity can improve overall functioning, even when a brain injury leads to the loss of one specific function.
Functional recovery of the brain is a complex process influenced by various factors, including age, the severity of the injury, and the type of rehabilitation provided. While the brain's capacity for plasticity is more significant in children, adults are not without hope. With appropriate rehabilitation, environmental stimulation, and support, adults can experience significant improvements in function. Neuroplasticity offers hope for individuals suffering from brain injuries, strokes, and cognitive deficits, showing that, even in the face of injury, the brain is capable of remarkable recovery and adaptation. However, the extent of this recovery depends on several factors, and while full recovery may not always be possible, significant functional improvements can often be achieved.
Elbert, T. et al. (2001) explored the capacity for functional reorganisation of the brain after injury, highlighting that brain reorganisation and neural plasticity are influenced by age and trauma. Their research suggests that children have a greater capacity for functional recovery than adults.
Huttenlocher, P. R. (2002) in Neural Plasticity: The Effects of Environment on the Development of the Brain provides a comprehensive look at how brain function changes over time and following injury. This work emphasizes the role of age and experience in neural plasticity and functional recovery.
Wall, P. D. (1977) identified "dormant synapses" in the brain, synaptic connections that exist anatomically but remain inactive under normal conditions. His research demonstrated how these synapses can be 'unmasked' following injury, helping to restore brain function through neural reorganisation.
Tajiri N. et al. (2013) investigated the role of stem cells in promoting functional recovery following brain injury. Their study, which involved rats with traumatic brain injury, demonstrated that stem cell transplants could lead to the regeneration of neuron-like cells and improve recovery at the injury site.
Schneider, J. A. et al. (2014) studied the impact of educational attainment on recovery from traumatic brain injury. Their research showed that higher academic levels, indicative of greater cognitive reserve, were linked to better recovery outcomes, suggesting that cognitive reserve plays a role in the brain’s ability to adapt after injury.
Merzenich, M. M., et al. (2013) reviewed the evidence on cognitive training and brain plasticity, showing that structured brain exercises can enhance brain function and promote recovery after brain trauma. Their work underscores the importance of rehabilitation in encouraging brain reorganisation.
Nguyen, M. (2016) discussed the various methods people can use to promote neuroplasticity, including activities like intermittent fasting, learning a musical instrument, and using mnemonic devices. These activities encourage the brain to form new connections and improve cognitive function, potentially aiding recovery after brain injury.
Merzenich, M. M. (2001), in his book The Brain That Changes Itself, detailed how the brain can reorganise itself after injury based on the principle of neuroplasticity. He described numerous cases of brain recovery following trauma and provided practical advice on how the brain can continue to adapt and heal.
In The Brain That Changes Itself, Doidge, N. (2007) also discusses the transformative power of neuroplasticity, providing case studies of individuals who regained lost abilities after brain injuries and how neuroplasticity allows the brain to adapt and recover from various neurological conditions.
In their research, Cohen, L. G. et al. (1993) focused on neuroplasticity in the adult human brain. They examined the effects of brain damage on plasticity and how rehabilitation techniques could promote recovery, particularly in adults who have suffered traumatic brain injuries.
Toga, A. W., & Mazziotta, J. C. (2000) provided insights into brain mapping techniques, such as functional MRI and PET scans, which help researchers observe the brain’s reorganisation and functional recovery after trauma or injury.
Bremner J. D. et al. (2008) examined functional brain imaging in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), offering evidence of the brain’s capacity for recovery and reorganisation after trauma, with a specific focus on PTSD and related conditions.
Jäncke, L. (2009), in his article The Plastic Human Brain, discussed the extensive capacity for neuroplasticity throughout a person’s life, emphasizing how the brain reorganises itself in response to injury or trauma.
Kleim J. A. et al. (2002) reviewed the role of rehabilitation in promoting brain plasticity and recovery, explaining how structural changes, such as synaptic plasticity and neural reorganisation, are facilitated through rehabilitative therapies after traumatic brain injuries.
Cohen, L. G., et al. (2001), in their study on transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), explored its role in studying brain plasticity and stimulating recovery after brain injury, particularly in stroke rehabilitation.
Pascual-Leone, A. et al. (2005) examined how transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can promote functional recovery in patients with brain damage. Their research suggests that TMS can encourage the brain’s natural plasticity processes, contributing to rehabilitation and functional recovery.
Positive plasticity refers to the brain’s ability to reorganise and adapt to positive stimuli or rehabilitation efforts, improving cognitive, sensory, or motor functions even after injury. This capacity allows the brain to form new neural connections or strengthen existing ones to recover lost abilities. This is particularly relevant in recovery following traumatic brain injuries or strokes, where brain regions take over functions previously managed by damaged areas. Positive plasticity is not just about recovery but can also lead to improvements in non-injured areas of the brain, heightening abilities that were previously unaffected.
Brain fitness programmes are structured sets of cognitive exercises, typically computer-based, designed to target specific brain functions and improve mental performance. These exercises stimulate neuroplasticity by challenging the brain and helping it form new neural connections. Programs are tailored to address specific cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, or problem-solving skills. They are often used in rehabilitation settings for individuals recovering from brain injuries or strokes.
The evidence supporting these programmes shows they can help sharpen cognitive abilities and maintain brain health, particularly in older adults or those with neurological conditions. These exercises engage areas of the brain that need rehabilitation and stimulate neuroplastic changes that can result in real functional improvements, especially if started early and continued regularly.
Studies have shown that educational attainment can significantly influence functional recovery following brain injuries. Schneider et al. (2014) found that individuals with higher levels of education were more likely to experience disability-free recovery (DFR) following moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries. Their study of 769 patients from the US Traumatic Brain Injury Systems Database found that 39.2% of those with 16 or more years of education achieved DFR after one year, compared to only 9.7% of those with fewer than 12 years of education.
This difference was attributed to cognitive reserve—the brain's capacity to adapt to injury through the use of alternative neural pathways, which is more easily tapped into by individuals with higher educational backgrounds. These findings suggest that individuals with more cognitive reserve have a better chance of successful recovery because their brains are more adaptable and resilient.
While the brain has a remarkable ability to recover and reorganise itself after injury, there are limits. If the damage to a brain area is extensive, such as in cases of severe trauma or large-scale stroke, it may be difficult for other places to compensate for the lost function. In such cases, even though neuroplasticity can help, the damage may be too significant for the brain to recover without external interventions fully. Rehabilitation efforts, such as cognitive training or stem cell therapy, may be required to facilitate recovery in these situations.
Additionally, the timing and intensity of interventions are crucial. Early rehabilitation increases the chances of successful recovery, as it takes advantage of the brain's natural plasticity while the brain is still attempting to reorganise. However, extensive damage may limit the ability of surrounding brain areas to "take over" the lost function, making recovery more complex.
While neuroplasticity is often associated with recovery and adaptation, it is essential to note that it can also have negative consequences. The brain's ability to reorganise itself is not always a force for good. Sometimes, it leads to harmful patterns or maladaptive changes that can be damaging to mental and physical health. Negative plasticity refers to instances where neural connections are altered in a way that exacerbates problems, reinforces bad habits, or leads to the entrenchment of negative emotional states. Just as the brain can "learn" new skills or behaviours through positive plasticity, it can also "learn" to reinforce undesirable patterns or responses.
For example, negative plasticity can manifest in the brain’s response to chronic stress, traumatic experiences, or addiction, where maladaptive changes lead to persistent conditions such as PTSD, chronic pain, or addiction. The efficiency of neuronal communication pathways can become heightened, but rather than facilitating healthy responses, these changes reinforce harmful reactions, creating a cycle of distress.
Chronic, long-term stress is one of the primary triggers of negative plasticity in the brain. Prolonged stress leads to the release of cortisol, a hormone that, when in excess, can harm brain function. One of the key effects of chronic stress is the suppression of neurogenesis, the process through which the brain generates new neurons. Research shows that ongoing stress inhibits the formation of new neurons in the hippocampus, a brain region crucial for memory and emotional regulation. This reduction in neurogenesis can contribute to memory problems, emotional instability, and an increased vulnerability to mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Furthermore, chronic stress can impair the immune system’s functioning, making the body more susceptible to illness.
Cognitive training, including brain fitness programmes, often aims to improve specific cognitive abilities like memory, attention, and processing speed. While such programmes are usually designed to promote positive plasticity, improper use or poorly designed exercises can sometimes lead to adverse effects, mainly if they are overly stressful or not appropriately challenging for the individual. For example, if the exercises are too complicated, they can cause frustration and stress, leading to negative plasticity. Instead of enhancing cognitive abilities, the brain may develop maladaptive responses, such as anxiety or a diminished sense of self-efficacy. Therefore, carefully designed and moderated mental training exercises are critical to prevent negative plasticity.
The concept of cognitive reserve refers to the brain’s ability to resist the effects of ageing and cognitive decline due to a lifetime of mental stimulation. Higher levels of education, occupational complexity, and intellectual engagement are thought to build cognitive reserve, providing individuals with greater resilience against conditions like dementia or brain injuries. However, without adequate mental stimulation, individuals may not develop sufficient cognitive reserve, leading to increased vulnerability to cognitive decline or the exacerbation of negative plasticity. For instance, in individuals who are not regularly challenged intellectually, the brain may become more susceptible to the detrimental effects of negative plasticity, such as the onset of depression, anxiety, or cognitive impairment.
A controversial example of negative plasticity involves the impact of violent video games on children's brain development. Studies have shown that playing action-packed, violent games, often designed to provoke stress and excitement, can lead to changes in the brain's limbic system, particularly in areas responsible for emotional responses, such as the amygdala. This type of brain reorganisation could result in a reduced capacity for empathy and an increased desensitisation to violence. As children frequently engage in these games, the brain may become more attuned to aggressive responses and less sensitive to emotional cues, reinforcing negative behavioural patterns. These findings raise concerns about the potential long-term consequences of excessive screen time and violent content, which may lead to negative emotional and behavioural changes over time.
The teenage brain is particularly susceptible to negative plasticity due to its high level of neural plasticity during adolescence. While this period of rapid brain development offers tremendous opportunities for growth and learning, it also increases vulnerability to environmental influences such as stress and drug use. During adolescence, the brain is highly impressionable and can “over-learn” certain behaviours, making them harder to unlearn later in life. Addiction is often cited as a form of over-learning, where the brain becomes strongly conditioned to associate certain behaviours (e.g., drug use) with positive reinforcement despite the negative consequences.
One study by Adriani et al. (2011) found that adolescent rats are more susceptible to drug addiction than adults. The researchers gave adolescent and adult rats repeated access to cocaine in a particular environmental setting, teaching them to associate the environment with drug use. The results showed that adolescent rats preferred to return to the drug-associated environment more than adult rats. This finding suggests that the teenage brain's heightened plasticity makes it more likely to form deep, maladaptive associations that can lead to addiction.
While the rat study provides important insights into the adolescent brain’s vulnerability to addiction, it is essential to consider the implications for humans. Adolescents are at a stage in life when their brains rapidly develop, making them more susceptible to both positive and negative plasticity. Addiction, particularly to substances like alcohol, nicotine, or drugs, can lead to lasting changes in the brain’s reward system, reinforcing destructive behaviours. This could make it more difficult for teens to break free from addiction, as the brain has essentially "hardwired" these behaviours into its neural circuits.
However, it’s important to note that human adolescents have a level of agency and choice that laboratory animals do not. While the adolescent brain is mainly plastic, there are interventions—such as early education on the risks of drug use or cognitive-behavioural therapy—that can help reduce the likelihood of negative plasticity. Therefore, while the teen brain is more vulnerable to addiction, proper guidance, support, and education can help mitigate the risk of forming long-term maladaptive neural patterns.
Aside from toxicity, our modern lifestyle plays a part in cognitive decline, as described by Dr. Michael Merzenich, professor emeritus at the University of California, who has pioneered research in brain plasticity for more than 30 years.
He founded the Scientific Learning Corporation in Oakland, California, and Posit Science in San Francisco, both specialising in scientific research into brain training software.
Dr. Merzenich's career arose from an interest in philosophy, a fascination with the nature and origin of the human persona and individuality, and how brain processes might account for the evolution of our abilities. He believed that in those who have learning disabilities, the natural progressions of these brain processes must have encountered errors.
The brain's inherent plasticity was discovered some 20 years ago when animal models demonstrated that brain deterioration and ageing were reversible, provided the proper stimulus. Dr. Merzenich describes brain plasticity as follows:
"It's simple in concept. The brain changes physically, functionally, and chemically, as you acquire an ability or as you improve an ability. You know this instinctively. Something must be changing as your brain advances, as it progresses.
Actually, what it is doing is changing the local wiring, changing the details of how it's connected. It's also changing itself in other ways, physically, functionally, and those changes account for that improvement, or account for the acquisition of an ability.
You don't realise it but as you acquire an ability – let's say, the ability to read – you actually create a system in the brain that does not exist, or that's not in place, in the non-reader. It [the ability] actually evolves in the brain."
As Dr. Merzenich explains, your brain is designed and constructed to be stimulated and challenged and to examine, resolve, and interpret your environment carefully. During the early days of mankind's development, keeping track of the details was imperative for survival.
Today, however, we tend to remove ourselves from the details of life. For example, instead of keeping track of appointments and to-do lists in our heads, we use electronic gadgets with reminder features. Our streets are paved and lit, requiring virtually no attention to navigate from one location to another. If you don't sufficiently challenge your brain with new, surprising information, it eventually begins to deteriorate.
"Generally, by the third or fourth decade in life, you're in decline," Dr. Merzenich says. "One of the things that happens across this period is that you go from a period of the acquisition of abilities to largely using those abilities that have been acquired earlier in life. By that I mean to say, the fundamental skills that you apply in your profession or in your everyday life are things you master, and you're doing them without thought.
To a large extent, you're operating most of your day without really being consciously engaged in the things you're doing... I've gone without really thinking very much about the physical acts of driving. I'm substantially disengaged.
This has been contributed to substantially by modern culture. Modern culture is all about taking out surprises... to basically reduce the stimulation in a sense on one level, so that we could engage ourselves in sort of an abstract level of operations. We're no longer interested in the details of things. We're no longer interested in resolving the details of what we see or hear or feel, and our brains slowly deteriorate."
With age, brain researchers have found an increase in "chatter" in your brain. Dr. Merzenich explains:
"Your brain becomes less precise in how it's resolving information as you're operating and listening in language, as you're operating in vision, or as you're operating in controlling your actions. And we actually see these other noise processes through the brain as you age. In fact, we can correlate those changes quite directly with the slowing down of your processing.
You know, every older person is slower in their actions, slower in their decisions, and less fluent in their operations than when they're younger. They're slower because the brain basically is dealing with information in a fuzzier and degraded form."
Research into brain plasticity shows you can counteract this degeneration by providing your brain with appropriate stimulus. A key factor necessary for improving brain function or reversing functional decline is the seriousness of the purpose with which you engage in a task. In other words, the task must be important to you, meaningful, or engaging — it must hold your attention. Rote memorisation of nonsensical or unimportant items will not stimulate your brain to create new neurons.
Dr. Merzenich has been instrumental in developing a kind of environment. This computer-based brain training program can help you sharpen skills, from reading and comprehension to improved memorisation. The program is called Brain HQ.
"There are some very useful exercises in there that are for free, and you can actually drive improvements, for example, in brain speed, in the accuracy, with which the brain represents information in detail," he says.
"Basically, what you're doing is reducing the chatter, the noisiness of the process of your brain. That impacts your capacity, for example, to record that information; to remember it. Because when the information is in its degraded form, when it's fuzzy, when it's imprecise, all of the uses of it—like your brain makes basically—are degraded."
– Nguyen, 2016: How to Rewire Your Brain with Neuroplasticity
"Neuroplasticity can be harnessed to improve brain function in various ways. Intermittent fasting increases synaptic adaptation promotes neuron growth, improves overall cognitive function, and decreases the risk of neurodegenerative disease. Travelling exposes the brain to novel stimuli and new environments, which opens up new pathways and activity in the brain. Using mnemonic devices for memory training enhances connectivity in the prefrontal-parietal network and may prevent some age-related memory loss. Learning a musical instrument increases connectivity between brain regions and helps form new neural networks. Non-dominant hand exercises strengthen neural connectivity by forming new pathways. Reading fiction enhances connectivity in the brain while expanding your vocabulary activates the visual and auditory processes and memory. Creating artwork strengthens the connectivity of the brain at rest, particularly the 'default mode network' (DMN), which can boost introspection, memory, empathy, attention, and focus. Dancing has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and enhance neural connectivity. Finally, sleeping encourages learning retention by promoting the growth of dendritic spines, which connect neurons and help transfer information across cells."