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Appendix: singular / Appendices: plural

APPENDICES: The place where you put things that would disturb the ‘flow’. If you are writing a psychology paper for a class or for publication, you may be required to include an appendix. An appendix is found at the end of a paper and contains information that supplements the text but is too unwieldy or distracting to include in the main body of the paper.

  • ADVERTS: Include a copy of any advertisements used to recruit participants for the study.

  • Ensure that the adverts are presented exactly as they appeared during the recruitment process.

  • Include details such as the purpose of the study, eligibility criteria, compensation (if applicable), and contact information for the researchers or research institution.

  • COPIES OF CONSENT FORMS:Provide copies of the consent forms used to obtain informed consent from participants.

  • Ensure that the consent forms include all necessary information about the study, including its purpose, procedures, potential risks and benefits, confidentiality measures, and participants' rights.

  • Include signature lines for participants to indicate their voluntary agreement to participate in the study


  • One copy of the questionnaire/ scale/ material used or the source of any questionnaires or scales used should be given

  • Include any standardised scripts provided to participants as part of the study procedures.

  • Ensure that the instructions are clear, concise, and provide all necessary information for participants to complete the study tasks accurately.

  • Include any prompts, cues, or guidance provided to participants during the study sessions.

  • MARK SCHEMES: Include detailed mark schemes for any tests or questionnaires utilized in the study. These mark schemes outline the criteria used to evaluate responses and assign scores. Provide examples and model answers where applicable to illustrate how scoring was conducted.

  • SCORING PROCEDURES EXPLANATION: Offer an explicit explanation of the scoring procedures employed during data analysis. Clarify how responses were assessed, graded, or categorized according to predefined criteria. This explanation aids readers in comprehending the rationale behind scoring decisions and ensures the reproducibility of results.

  • OPERATIONALISED WORD LISTS AND QUESTIONNAIRES: Append copies of operationalized word lists, questionnaires, or other assessment tools utilized in the study. These documents provide insight into the variables measured and the specific items or prompts presented to participants. Including these materials enhances the transparency of the research process and enables readers to evaluate the validity and reliability of the instruments employed.

  • RAW DATA COPY: Provide a copy of the raw data collected during the study. This unprocessed data serves as the foundation for subsequent analyses and findings. Including raw data allows other researchers to verify your results, conduct additional analyses, or explore alternative interpretations. Additionally, it promotes transparency and reproducibility in scientific research by enabling independent scrutiny of the data.


  • Provide copies of the debriefing materials given to participants at the end of the study.

  • Include information about the purpose and nature of the study, any deception that may have been used, and the researchers' contact information for further questions or concerns.

  • Ensure that the debriefing materials are presented in a clear and empathetic manner, addressing any potential misconceptions or emotional reactions that participants may have

When including these materials in the appendices of a research report, organize them in a logical and sequential manner, with each item clearly labelled and numbered for easy reference. Additionally, ensure that all materials comply with relevant ethical guidelines and regulations governing research involving human participants


Each participant should be made aware of the following:

  1. The purpose of the experiment;

  2. The aim and procedure of the experiment;

  3. The risks related to the execution of the task;

  4. The time required;

  5. The conditions of participation and withdrawal;

  6. The benefits obtained in participating;

  7. The confidentiality of the results;

  8. How and where the results will be published;

  9. The person/lab responsible for the experiment.



I cannot give you all the details about this experiment because you may try to influence or guess the results, and then my experiment will have invalid data. I can, however, tell you loosely that this experiment is about body perception. I will provide you with full details about the experiment at the end, in a debrief, and you may also ask questions at that time.

I can assure you that in no way will you be humiliated or harmed, and if you feel uncomfortable at the end of the experiment, you have the right to withdraw your data. Any data you provide will be completely confidential; you do not have to give your name.

If you are now happy to take part in my experiment, please sign in the space provided. Please remember you can stop participating at any time.

The experiment should take no more than twenty minutes of your time.

I consent to take part in the above experiment on body perception.

Signed: [Signature]
Name: [Name]
Date: [Date]"


Example of the Consent Form (Standard):

"Participant Consent Form

Title of Study: Investigating Memory Recall in Relation to Visual Stimuli

Investigator: [Name of Investigator]
Affiliation: [Name of Institution]
Date: [Date]

I, the undersigned, understand and agree to participate in the research study titled 'Investigating Memory Recall in Relation to Visual Stimuli.'

Purpose and Procedure: I understand that the purpose of this study is to investigate how individuals recall information when presented with visual stimuli. I will be required to view a series of images and answer questions related to them.

Risks and Benefits: I acknowledge that there are no known risks associated with participating in this study beyond those encountered in everyday life. However, the study may contribute to scientific knowledge about memory recall processes.

Confidentiality and Data Handling: I understand that all data collected during this study will be kept confidential and will only be accessible to the researcher(s) involved in the study. My responses will be anonymized, and no identifying information will be associated with my data.

Voluntary Participation and Withdrawal: I understand that my participation in this study is voluntary, and I am free to withdraw at any time without penalty. My decision to participate or withdraw will not affect my relationship with the investigator(s) or the institution.

Publication of Results: I understand that the results of this study may be published in academic journals or presented at conferences. However, my identity will remain confidential, and my responses will be aggregated with those of other participants.

Contact Information: If I have any questions or concerns about the study, I may contact [Name of Investigator] at [Contact Information].

Participant Signature: ___________________
Date: _______________"


Debriefing is a critical process that occurs after participants have completed their involvement in a study. It involves providing them with comprehensive information regarding the study's objectives, procedures, and outcomes. This ensures that participants fully understand the nature of the study, have the opportunity to ask questions, and are informed of any potential deception or stress-inducing elements involved in the research.

This practice is a fundamental component of ethical guidelines in research. It upholds principles of transparency, respect, and dignity for participants, while also safeguarding against potential harm resulting from their participation. Debriefing aligns closely with ethical principles such as obtaining informed consent, maintaining confidentiality, and providing debriefing after the study has concluded.

During the debriefing process, participants are thanked for their contribution, and the study's aim is reiterated, along with references to ethical guidelines. Additionally, confidentiality of participants' results is emphasized, ensuring that their privacy is protected. Measures are taken to ensure that participants' names are not disclosed on any materials related to the study, further preserving confidentiality. Participants are also reminded of their right to withdraw their data from the study if they wish to do so, reinforcing their autonomy and control over their information.

Overall, debriefing serves as a crucial aspect of research ethics, promoting transparency, participant understanding, and the protection of participants' rights and well-being.


  • Explanation of the purpose and aim of the study

  • Reference to ethical guidelines followed in the research

  • Assurance of confidentiality regarding participant data

  • Opportunity for participants to withdraw their data

  • Invitation for participants to ask questions or seek clarification

  • Appreciation and thanks for their participation



Thank you for participating in our study on how media influences attitudes towards body image. Your contribution has been invaluable to our research.

The aim of this study was to investigate how exposure to images of women with different body sizes affects individuals' perceptions of their own bodies. We hypothesiSed that exposure to thinner women would lead to more negative body image perceptions compared to exposure to larger women. This study aligns with ethical guidelines, ensuring participant confidentiality and voluntary participation.

It is important to note that your results and participation in this study are confidential. Your name will not be associated with any results or data collected during the experiment. To maintain confidentiality, participants' names will be crossed out on all results sheets and raw data.

If you have any concerns or wish to withdraw your data from the study, please let us know. Your decision to participate or withdraw will not impact your relationship with us or our institution.

If you agree to allow us to use your data for our research, please sign below:

'I have read and understand the debrief and I am happy for my data to be used'

Participant Signature: ___________________

Name: ___________________

Date: ___________________

Thank you once again for your participation. If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact us


Debriefing Statement


Thank you for participating in our research study investigating memory and recall processes. Your involvement has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of these cognitive phenomena.

In this study, we aimed to explore how different types of distraction affect memory retention and recall accuracy. Specifically, we hypothesized that participants exposed to auditory distractions during a memory task would demonstrate lower recall accuracy compared to those in a quiet environment.

It's important to note that your participation in this study is strictly voluntary, and you have the right to withdraw your data at any time without consequence. Your data will be treated confidentially, and your identity will remain anonymous in all research reports.

If you have any concerns or questions about the study, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your feedback is valuable to us and will help improve future research endeavors.

If you consent to allow us to use your data for our research, please sign below:

'I have read and understand the debriefing statement and I am willing to allow my data to be used.'

Participant Signature: ___________________

Name: ___________________

Date: ___________________

Thank you once again for your participation and contribution to our research efforts. Your involvement is greatly appreciated


Standardised instructions are provided to participants in the designated study location, with multiple sets available to accommodate different conditions of the investigation. These instructions play a crucial role in ensuring consistency across participants, as each individual must receive the same guidance to understand the study's procedures. Additionally, standardized instructions promote equitable treatment of all participants and help mitigate potential experimenter effects.

Participants have the option to either have the instructions read to them or to read them independently. The instructions typically include key information regarding the participant's rights and confidentiality, ensuring that they feel comfortable and informed throughout the experiment. For example, participants are informed that they can withdraw from the experiment at any time if they feel uncomfortable and that their results can be removed upon request.

A standard set of instructions may include the following steps:

  1. Open envelope one and retrieve the enclosed sheet (sheet one).

  2. Review the list of pictures and words provided on the sheet.

  3. Upon instruction, return sheet one to the envelope and seal it.

  4. Flip over sheet two and read the provided instructions.

  5. Upon completing the experiment, return all sheets and envelopes.

  6. Refrain from discussing the experiment with other participants after completion.

These standardized instructions ensure consistency, clarity, and adherence to ethical guidelines throughout the research process.

There may be more than one set of standardised instructions for different (IV) conditions of the investigation.